Miracle Grow

Green on Green

Active Member
So, ?WHY cant I use Miracle Gro for veg again? I mean if it get my tomato and pepper plants abnormally huge, wouldn't it do the same for my Mary?


Well-Known Member
I mean, you can. People do. It's usually quite strong and not organic. So it can be too hot for young plants or sensitive strains. People say that it makes bland smoke as well. And as is the problem with any soil with lots o nutes and/or time-release nutes, it's harder to control your fertilization. I personally find that soil that dense is also difficult to control water with, as the drainage is not great. It also does not contain pH buffers like lime. MJ is pretty sensitive to pH, at least for optimal growth.


Active Member
I use miracle grow in my gardens. I don't know about miracles because I have nothing to compare it to. I do know my stuff looks great and is healthy..I don't think miracle grow can hurt.

In the reading I have done I notice there are all kinds of growers.
I like to keep it basic and simple...I would like to start composting as that seems like it would work with anything you grow.

Have you grown ganja for long? My main concern is neighbors!
The guy who lives next door did drug education for a city close by!

I did order some indoor seeds...

Happy day wishes

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
Good to know, not that I would ever use MG on anything besides my regular outdoor garden. It's nice to know that in a pinch, I should just run to the hydro store and not my Miracle Grow...



Well-Known Member
for my first grow i used mg soil with nutes. i didn't have any bad experinces but i have nothing to compare to

[email protected]

Active Member
I'm useing a mg mix with black gold ps, sand and peral lite. I only use 1 part mg. second grow and it seems to work well. at least so far. I've been told chicken shit works very well with tomaoes any thoughts about useing it?


Well-Known Member
make your own miracle grow... i did works great....1/2 worm castsings,1/4 peat moss , 1/8 sagnum moss,1/8 vermiculite its ph is 6.7 perfect for your plants....


Well-Known Member
I've been using MG for growing since I got my first 5 clones and I have never over nuted my plants nor over watered them