My ventilation system! HELP!


Well-Known Member
just cut the hole an put one of those vents over it and the exhaust pulling air out will in turn pull air through the vent its called passive intake


Well-Known Member
some people run their exhaust 24/7 while the lights r on 18/6 but i think that would be a waste as it would use up the life of the filter real quick.i think u should set your fan up for the hour on hour off and buy an ona block to sit outside the intake vent that should neutralize any smell that will escape.thats about all i can think of mate
Okay thanks Sooo much for all you advice seriously thanks its my first grow im growing THC bomb and i got everything settled but the ventilation problem and now it is settled thanks to you man thanks so much


Well-Known Member
did u look at the link to them i put up?? its a block in a tub with holes in the top and its concentrated so super smelly.u also get ona gel that can be coated into a vent or ducting


Well-Known Member
yes if u mean the vent u add to the door when u cut a hole out of it.then yeah just put some in a little tub and in the vent and let it sit there