no growth for 1 week, leafs yellow or light green


What is wrong?

Im running 400w MH very high from the plants. I get a reading of 3800+- lux

When they where younger they where doing great but then plant A PH went to 7.5. So I report into soilless mix with more peat-moss PH dropped to 6.8. But the pot was to big and the plant started to drop its leaf and the stem got soft so the plant fell over. I quickly ran to a store and potted again to a small pot but with a vegetable soil. then been like this for 3 days. Water is draining well I re water yesterday with a fishmix PH is 6.7



Well-Known Member
I'm not a soil grower, but I'm gonna say you should have left them alone when they were doing fine.

Again, I'm not a soiler, but I'm betting it's shocked and locked out.


they where already this color & size before I transplanted them. I am thinking the same thing as you. It was nutrition lockout do to high PH and now stress from the re potting. But since AUG 5th the PH has been 6.8 - 6.7 and there has been no positive changes.

Thank you for your comments


Well-Known Member
Not supposed to feed or tranplant seedlings...too much too fast...just leave them be..and stop switching the pots around...there is no such thing as the pot being too big...a pot can sometimes get to be too small, but never too big...I mean if a pot could be too big all the plants planted in the ground would die of extra space poisoning..


Well-Known Member
Anything below 8 and above 6 is good for your pH wasn't too high if it only hit 7.


Well-Known Member
Leave them alone...totally alone...they won't need to be watered for at least 3 or 4 don't mess with them at all during that time...then when the pots are feather light water them with plain water and then leave them alone not feed them til you have at least 2 sets of true leaves...


Well-Known Member
Pull WAY back from the light for a few days, no nutes. Light about the strength of light shade outside,
I can not condone lessening light...but I am one of those struggle and survive, or die kind of people...I clone and start seeds 8 inches from my 400w makes the clones root really fast..they have to, or else they die. So far they have all chosen to live, except that one time I forgot to turn the pump back on..but that doesn't count...I took away the root option...anyway...Sometimes lessening the light can help with transplant stress, but I wouldn't...I would leave that plant exactly where it is right now, and I wouldn't even touch it for at least 3 or 4 days.


Well-Known Member
Shes right, you should not have repotted. Not only did you do it once you fuckin did it again bro. You shocked a shocked seedling. No watering/nutes for 2 weeks light fan and it might recover. Next seed ,start in jiffy pot then put the whole jiffy into the mix.
Not a ph issue.


about the pot size if its to big the water stays in the soil and the roots will not get much air? and the humidity goes way up. correct?

soil works like osmosis? water is transfers to the side where there is less water, until all area has the same % of water?


its been a week. the plant almost the same size, new leafs started to grow very small and slow. But old leaf is like drying up starting at tip. Any comments on how I can fix them?São Paulo-20120822-00012.jpgSão Paulo-20120822-00010.jpgSão Paulo-20120822-00009.jpg