hey guys need help


i am using botnicare liquid karma grow will go to bloom next watering also just started yesterday using sweet berry and cal-mag i have cler-x but am not sure about it well i am new to all of this but i think its for the 2 weeks b4 harvest whats wrong with a couple bottom leaves are yellow and some have rough brown spots on them also one has stems that are green on the bottom half and purpleish on the top same stem 2 colors 1 more thing i am pretty sure that is a male i just want to be sure since this is my first time IMG_3339.jpgIMG_3338.jpgIMG_3337.jpgIMG_3336.jpgIMG_3335.jpgIMG_3334.jpgIMG_3333.jpgIMG_3332.jpg


thanks for the reply's i was sure it was a male but i wanted to make sure i guess i was wishing i was wrong but what about the brown spots on the edges and the yellow leaves? i don't know why i can't get hardly any replies on my posts i get lots of views but no reply's am i doing something wrong i know i haven't been a member long but everybody else gets all kinds of replies but i couldn't get any help with my grow room or my bugs on my plants or several other things i don't know if i pissed somebody off or just come across wrong or am doing something wrong any this seems like a great site with alot of knowledgeable people if i could just get some replies LOL


Well-Known Member
Its because people think that growing males is stupid. Not because they dont like you. Next time get fem seeds and keep the best female as a mother plant.


maybe you are the stupid one i mean come on what kind of reply is that i am growing outside so i only have the season to grow so there oh smart one a mother would do me about as good as your stupid reply go troll someone else


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply's i was sure it was a male but i wanted to make sure i guess i was wishing i was wrong but what about the brown spots on the edges and the yellow leaves? i don't know why i can't get hardly any replies on my posts i get lots of views but no reply's am i doing something wrong i know i haven't been a member long but everybody else gets all kinds of replies but i couldn't get any help with my grow room or my bugs on my plants or several other things i don't know if i pissed somebody off or just come across wrong or am doing something wrong any this seems like a great site with alot of knowledgeable people if i could just get some replies LOL
More folks looking for answers to questions rather than to answer questions. Maybe magnesium / calcium imbalance (spots). Epsom salts 1 tbsp/gallon of water. Yellowing can be normal as the plant is now devoting the energy to his huevos.


Well-Known Member
maybe you are the stupid one i mean come on what kind of reply is that i am growing outside so i only have the season to grow so there oh smart one a mother would do me about as good as your stupid reply go troll someone else
If possible next year plant a bunch together and wait until they indicate. Select the ones you want and whack the rest. Start your grow holes now by reconning areas you think will work. Check for foot or vehicle traffic including yahoos on horses and ATV/MC etc. Check the morning light and where it hits. Then dig holes this fall to compost over winter. Walk it in winter. Lots of deer? Hunters reconning in late summer/early fall for deer? Things like that.

Important to do the holes over winter so they are aged by Spring and composting is complete. Cover your filled holes in fall to keep people from wondering/watching. Fill the damned things. People stepping in? There goes a grow. Good luck. Been there and done that.


Well-Known Member
maybe you are the stupid one i mean come on what kind of reply is that i am growing outside so i only have the season to grow so there oh smart one a mother would do me about as good as your stupid reply go troll someone else
Actually your a fucking idiot and i doubt you will ever succeed at growing. Typical Derek.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply's i was sure it was a male but i wanted to make sure i guess i was wishing i was wrong but what about the brown spots on the edges and the yellow leaves? i don't know why i can't get hardly any replies on my posts i get lots of views but no reply's am i doing something wrong i know i haven't been a member long but everybody else gets all kinds of replies but i couldn't get any help with my grow room or my bugs on my plants or several other things i don't know if i pissed somebody off or just come across wrong or am doing something wrong any this seems like a great site with alot of knowledgeable people if i could just get some replies LOL
Don't worry, man. I think Hotrodharley is right in his comment further down, many people like me, reading up and trying to learn...... not necessarily ignoring you. I get lots of views on my questions also, and not a lot of answers.
Just be patient!
Harley seems to be a nice guy and knowledgeable too:cool:


Typical Derek? what does that even mean. Your calling me a fucking idiot when your the dumb ass sitting here swelling up talking shit on the computer i bet your about 5'7 250 and full of shit living at mommy's thinking your a bad ass cause you can talk shit on the internet well congrats you have proved yourself just go upstairs and ask your mom i am sure she will tell you how great you are


Thank you so much for the advice i really appreciate it i am still new so everything that happens is a first for me i started with 15 and have gotten all the males out and i have 9 good females and two that i am worried about the one with the yellowing leaves and the one with purple stems but all the rest look really good so far


Well-Known Member
Actually your a fucking idiot and i doubt you will ever succeed at growing. Typical Derek.
what's the matter,
Got a small one and can't just be positive and give help?
If he's like me, he wouldn't come to a site like this to take shit suggestions from people like you.
I think everybody comes to these sites to learn, and pass on knowledge that they have acquired over time, it's not to put people down when they don't think they know as much as you think you know.


New Member
Dude. BUDS was trying to help you, he wasn't calling you stupid. You have to be a little more calm and respectful here if you expect help.

I suggest, if your goal is bringing a female plant to harvest, to buy some feminized seeds so sexing is one less thing you have to worry about.