Suboxone 8mg Sublingual Strips


Well-Known Member
Hey y'all, I have't been on in a while but I got a new laptop so I can start back on here again. My question is is there anything I can take or use to potentiate my 8gm suboxone for recreational use? I do get prescribed it if that makes a difference. It's been great for me because when I take it I don't have the urge to take any other drugs, especially my weakness, opiates. I'm on a regiment to take an 8mg strip every two days.

I take the suboxone for the high it gives me which lasts for a very long time (up to 8 hrs) and makes me not even consider taking any other drugs, even smoking bud. The main problem I've been having is that I've been taking suboxone every two days. After the first week I had no problems but now when I take the full 8mg strip every two days it seems to not be giving me the high I need to not take opiates. Opiates are not something I want to start again either but if I can't get the suboxone to give me the old high it used to I'm afraid I might go back to opiates. I'm also prescribed 1mg Xanax XR twice a day. Would the xanax xr help potentiate the suboxone so it works better and I can stay away from opiates again? Also, is there anything else I can do to potentiate the strips? Also, they're the sublingual 8mg strips. I take them by letting dissolve under my tongue, is there any other route of administration I can use to make the bioavalability higher? From what I've read the bioavailablity by letting it dissolve under your tongue only get 30% into your system. I heard snorting might be better but i don't know how to do that. I don't want to shoot it cuz I hate needles and I'm sure all that orange shit in it when it's dissolved can't be good for my veins.

Any advice would help out a lot. I need help badly because if I can't find a way to make my suboxone stronger I'm really afraid that I'll go back to opiates and I don't want that at all. Please help me.
in the uk they are widely abused, people will crush them and sniff.

or sonar is right stick it up ya arse as nasty as that sounds.............
The whole strip? Won't it dissolve and then drip out?
Only if your asshole normally leaks. Rectal administration is nearly as strong as IV. Standard opioid potentiators work. Sub has a limit on how much it can do because it isn't a full agonist. The point of it as a maintainence med is to keep you feeling ok and block the effects of other opioids.
Get an oral syringe and get it to make a suspension that can fit out the tip or dissolve it (I'm not familiar with the strips, so I don't know how soluble they are).
So it'll be like a drug entema? hahahaha! They're pretty soluble as far as I know but I've only ever taken one sublingually. I just took 10mg 10 minutes ago with 6mg of xanax XR and I've got a six pack of budweiser. Gonna be a fun night. Celebrating my red fishing tournament win. I'm $1500.00 richer and have dinner for a week because of the tournament!
eat some kratom or kratom extracts to potentiate it since you can't take other opiates. That's what I did. The w/ds were terrible from subs for me because it lasted over a month. i was snorting 16mg a day though. yeah, i just can't take opiates anymore :)

the xanax will just make you want more drugs... take a few shots and smoke bud or something to save $$$
Even if I could take opiates the naloxone that's in the strip with the buprenorphine would block the opiates from working. Naloxone is what they give you at the hospital for opiate OD's because it binds to the receptor in your brain and kicks the opiates outta there. I haven't ever snorted the Suboxone because I'm prescribed the sublingual strips.

Also, xanax doesn't make me want more drugs unless I take a lot of it. I usually take the xanax as prescribed because I need it. Without the xanax I can go days without eating and not even get hungry and my stomach gets doused in flames because of my anxiety. I need the xanax to get through the day. I take 3mg XR in the morning when I wake up and 3mg XR at night. I'm also prescribed 10mg Valium for when I have really​ bad day or a panic attack.
Little secret: the naloxone in Suboxone doesn't do a goddamn thing. The buprenorphine has a higher affinity for the mu receptor than naloxone does. You can IV bupe without getting precipitated withdrawals. It's in there to scare people so they don't try to IV them. My guess is when they were testing to see how much naloxone it took to cause precipitated withdrawals on injection the subjects had lied about how long it had been since they took dope. Also naloxone only works for like and hour or two anyway.
Kratom won't do shit, the 7-hydroxymitragynine has a much lower affinity for the mu receptor.
Also bupe withdrawals are usually much easier than ones from short acting full agonists. It's very easy to step down the dosage and the w/d when stopping from a low dose is even. Even jumping off 8mg/day cold turkey was nothing on the withdrawal from a smallish opioid habit. I guess if you've never had a real habit they could be considered bad.
Fold it in half, then in half again. Get a little lube on your pinkie finger and kind of warm up your butthole once or twice. Then place the folded up square on your finger and up it goes.
Little secret: the naloxone in Suboxone doesn't do a goddamn thing. The buprenorphine has a higher affinity for the mu receptor than naloxone does. You can IV bupe without getting precipitated withdrawals. It's in there to scare people so they don't try to IV them. My guess is when they were testing to see how much naloxone it took to cause precipitated withdrawals on injection the subjects had lied about how long it had been since they took dope. Also naloxone only works for like and hour or two anyway.
Kratom won't do shit, the 7-hydroxymitragynine has a much lower affinity for the mu receptor.
Also bupe withdrawals are usually much easier than ones from short acting full agonists. It's very easy to step down the dosage and the w/d when stopping from a low dose is even. Even jumping off 8mg/day cold turkey was nothing on the withdrawal from a smallish opioid habit. I guess if you've never had a real habit they could be considered bad.

I can personally vouch that kratom got me more high when I was on suboxone (but so did other opiates, just not AS high, and it's a waste). The withdrawals from subs varies from person to person.... but the general consensus is that the withdrawal is less intense than other opioids, but lasts much longer. It laster over a month for me. You can't just say the w/d from suboxone "is nothing". That's nonsense. Also, most people already know you can IV subs.

The only time I went into precipitate w/d was when I used an oxy or something, then used a suoxone without waiting long enough. And it's no fun. Way more edgy than regular w/d. You don't have to worry about precipitated w/d if you do a suboxone... then do an oxy a couple hours later.
I can personally vouch that kratom got me more high when I was on suboxone (but so did other opiates, just not AS high, and it's a waste). The withdrawals from subs varies from person to person.... but the general consensus is that the withdrawal is less intense than other opioids, but lasts much longer. It laster over a month for me. You can't just say the w/d from suboxone "is nothing". That's nonsense. Also, most people already know you can IV subs.

The only time I went into precipitate w/d was when I used an oxy or something, then used a suoxone without waiting long enough. And it's no fun. Way more edgy than regular w/d. You don't have to worry about precipitated w/d if you do a suboxone... then do an oxy a couple hours later.
Fucking thing just ate most of my post.
Were you just on a really low (like <2mg) dose? Because past about 4mg it's really hard to blast through the blockade. Like potentially fatal without having supervision. Even 24 hours after an 8mg dose there is still a pretty strong blockade. I always found it took about 3-4 days to feel full effects from full agonists.
Bupe is a miracle drug for opioid addicts.
Little secret: the naloxone in Suboxone doesn't do a goddamn thing. The buprenorphine has a higher affinity for the mu receptor than naloxone does. You can IV bupe without getting precipitated withdrawals. It's in there to scare people so they don't try to IV them. My guess is when they were testing to see how much naloxone it took to cause precipitated withdrawals on injection the subjects had lied about how long it had been since they took dope. Also naloxone only works for like and hour or two anyway.
Kratom won't do shit, the 7-hydroxymitragynine has a much lower affinity for the mu receptor.
Also bupe withdrawals are usually much easier than ones from short acting full agonists. It's very easy to step down the dosage and the w/d when stopping from a low dose is even. Even jumping off 8mg/day cold turkey was nothing on the withdrawal from a smallish opioid habit. I guess if you've never had a real habit they could be considered bad.

Fucking thing just ate most of my post.
Were you just on a really low (like <2mg) dose? Because past about 4mg it's really hard to blast through the blockade. Like potentially fatal without having supervision. Even 24 hours after an 8mg dose there is still a pretty strong blockade. I always found it took about 3-4 days to feel full effects from full agonists.
Bupe is a miracle drug for opioid addicts.

This man speaks 100% fact. I've been through thousands of 8 mg subs as well as thousands of oxys/roxis/percs in the last 6 or 7 years and I agree with everything except the part about subs being easier to quit than other opioids.

In my experience it was harder to cold turkey from 2 mg of sub per day after months of the same dose, than it was to quit a 320 mg a day oxy habit cold turkey. You have to wean all the way down to .125 mg then start skipping days in between doses or else you will go through just as hard of WD's as you would from any other opiate (in my experience sub WD is much worse and lasts about twice as long).

Then again, everyones body and everyones situation is different so results will vary greatly.

As far as best ROA, I would say insufflation is the best way. I have an issue with placing things in my bum so I have never tried it rectal but intranasal is about twice as powerful as sublingual administration, and it seems to last forever unlike other opioids that are usually relatively short duration when taken intranasally. I have read studies that show that IV has the highest bioavailability, followed by rectal being second strongest and intranasal even less. Sublingual ROA offers a very short bioavailability of sub while oral offers somewhere in the ballpark of 1-2% which is basically like not taking anything.
Suboxone has single handedly saved my life.

Until it stops getting you "high"...? Not to sound like a dick but if you wanna continue getting into an altered state from taking your maintenance medication than it seems that your not truly ready to give up your opiate addiction yet :neutral:.
Until it stops getting you "high"...? Not to sound like a dick but if you wanna continue getting into an altered state from taking your maintenance medication than it seems that your not truly ready to give up your opiate addiction yet :neutral:.

I don't usually get involved in things that don't concern me but it seems as though you are hearing (reading) what you want to hear. He said it saved his life. I don't recall reading anywhere that he said he used it to clean himself up and stay clean. He said it saved his life. What I took from that is he was saying if he hadn't found out about suboxone, he probably would have overdosed on smack or something by now.

Your definitions are not the same as everybody else in the world. You just assumed you knew what his situation is when you don't.

Not trying to start trouble or anything, just trying to point out the error of your ways.

I take the suboxone for the high it gives me which lasts for a very long time (up to 8 hrs) and makes me not even consider taking any other drugs,

Right in plain text he says what he is here for. You just twisted it so it would fit your own opinions and argument.
This man speaks 100% fact. I've been through thousands of 8 mg subs as well as thousands of oxys/roxis/percs in the last 6 or 7 years and I agree with everything except the part about subs being easier to quit than other opioids.

In my experience it was harder to cold turkey from 2 mg of sub per day after months of the same dose, than it was to quit a 320 mg a day oxy habit cold turkey. You have to wean all the way down to .125 mg then start skipping days in between doses or else you will go through just as hard of WD's as you would from any other opiate (in my experience sub WD is much worse and lasts about twice as long).

Then again, everyones body and everyones situation is different so results will vary greatly.

As far as best ROA, I would say insufflation is the best way. I have an issue with placing things in my bum so I have never tried it rectal but intranasal is about twice as powerful as sublingual administration, and it seems to last forever unlike other opioids that are usually relatively short duration when taken intranasally. I have read studies that show that IV has the highest bioavailability, followed by rectal being second strongest and intranasal even less. Sublingual ROA offers a very short bioavailability of sub while oral offers somewhere in the ballpark of 1-2% which is basically like not taking anything.
IV is by definition the highest bioavailability. It's a measure of what percentage of the drug makes it to the bloodstream.

I wish I reacted better to sub, but it made heroin look like a fucking laxative. Very uncool.
IV is by definition the highest bioavailability. It's a measure of what percentage of the drug makes it to the bloodstream.

I wish I reacted better to sub, but it made heroin look like a fucking laxative. Very uncool.

A lot of people complain of that. You were probably on too high of a dose. Depending on the habit 8-16mg might be a good place to start off, but 2-4mg is where you want to be maintenance wise.