Express order...

Has anyone who lives in the us bought express from dgt recently. i have to get express. but the whole signing on delivery is making me paranoid as hell.


Well-Known Member
That is just USPS Express mail, def do this because it is the only way to know they did not rip you off like Amsterdam Seed Company does.

You can track it and you dont have to sign for it. International USPS Express Mail.


bud bootlegger
and if you are indeed talking about a seed order, i'd not worry the least about signing for it.. if anything were to happen, it would happen at the border in customs, not at your front door when they deliver it...

they don't treat seeds like pounds of weed, and try and get you to sign for it then arrest you immediately afterwards.. not yet at least.. :D

Dr Gruber

Well-Known Member
i never get the express from Doc and its always at my door in under 1 week. why do yo have to get the express?