just ate my first magic mushrooms...


Well-Known Member
some wild picked panaeolus olivaceus

got help identifying them at shroomery.org

downed about 15 grams of wet fresh ones

i'll let you guys know how it goes... kinda nervous :shock:



Active Member
Actualy I just did a little quick research on those and I think you MAY be right about the species(not 100%). But be careful eating wild mushrooms you easly could wind up in the emergence room fast.


Active Member
He means 15 grams fresh not dry idk exactly but like 80% of fresh mushrooms are water so you would dry them out to consume less weight. someone correct me if I'm wrong about the % of water in fresh mushrooms.


bud bootlegger
He means 15 grams fresh not dry idk exactly but like 80% of fresh mushrooms are water so you would dry them out to consume less weight. someone correct me if I'm wrong about the % of water in fresh mushrooms.
yah, i'm not exactly sure either, but i think i've heard shroom weight is more like 90% water, but it's been awhile.. you're pretty close for sure though either way..


Well-Known Member
yeah. i was talking about wet weight

the reason I wasn't worried about poisoning is because it is a panaeolus species picked in ontario canada

either this was a different inactive panaeolus, i didn't eat enough. 'cause all i felt was giddy for half an hour

i picked like 20 of them and at all the caps by the end. lol. it weighed just over 1 oz

no dice

no discomfort either


Well-Known Member
the identification involved location, habitat, neighbouring fungus, gill formation, spore print colour, stem and cap width and colour, etc

i wasn't about to eat something that would give me any worse than indigestion

the catch i think is that it's hard to tell the difference between the one it was ID'd as, and other inactive panaeolus


bud bootlegger
yeah. i was talking about wet weight

the reason I wasn't worried about poisoning is because it is a panaeolus species picked in ontario canada

either this was a different inactive panaeolus, i didn't eat enough. 'cause all i felt was giddy for half an hour

i picked like 20 of them and at all the caps by the end. lol. it weighed just over 1 oz

no dice

no discomfort either
man, if you eat an ounce or so of wet and didn't feel much of anything, i'd say that they probably weren't what you had thought they were, which of course sucks.. :(

i once bought four peyote buttons.. they were obviously peyote buttons as nothing else looks quite like that.. they were very fresh, and i decided to try and eat one that night when i first got them...
same deal as what you experienced.. mild giddyness, nothing more.. i was devastated to say the least after all i had heard of peyote ... about a week later me and a few friends ate the rest and not a one of us got off from them.. :(


Well-Known Member
disappointing experience :(

but that's better than a bad one

still i realize that this thread looks like most of those threads where a kid kills himself

i just started feeling giddy from them and was like OH FUCK, I'M GONNA TRIP FOR THE FIRST TIME AND NOT RECORD IT

so i made a thread and embarrassed myself

you should try it! just don't eat any unid shrooms


Well-Known Member
At least you researched them for a while and got a pretty good idea of what they were. The only time I get worried is when I know there are poisonous species that look exactly like a psychedelic species.


Well-Known Member
This is why I wouldn't go shroom picking without an experienced person who knows what to look for. You're lucky they were only inactive.


Active Member
If you happen to find more of those exact species the collect another oz and dry them out or make into a tea chances are good because there ether inactivate or you simply did not dose high enough.


Well-Known Member
Lemon tek that stuff! Or just wait for your own. I feel a first shroom trip on your own home grown would be pretty rewarding. Have you never tripped on anything before?


Well-Known Member
This is why I wouldn't go shroom picking without an experienced person who knows what to look for. You're lucky they were only inactive.
I don't know about that. I didn't just pick some mushrooms that i found and eat them. They were positively ID'd as a panaeolus which has no toxic variations. However if i had eaten something with known toxic look-alikes in my area which was not easy to ID... then that would have meant that i was pretty lucky not to die.

that being said, i'm STILL not going to ever eat another wild mushroom. I ate almost 15 of them and only felt giddy for a short time. then was constipated the next day. these species are supposed to contain serotonin 100% of the time so that could have caused the giddiness. but no hallucinations.

If you happen to find more of those exact species the collect another oz and dry them out or make into a tea chances are good because there ether inactivate or you simply did not dose high enough.
that's what I thought and what everyone on shroomery.org told me. still, i rather just wait for my home grown cubes to be done to have my first trip

Lemon tek that stuff! Or just wait for your own. I feel a first shroom trip on your own home grown would be pretty rewarding. Have you never tripped on anything before?
never ever! and that's the plan now, i think. i don't have a stomach for any more wild mushrooms


Well-Known Member
man, if you eat an ounce or so of wet and didn't feel much of anything, i'd say that they probably weren't what you had thought they were, which of course sucks.. :(

i once bought four peyote buttons.. they were obviously peyote buttons as nothing else looks quite like that.. they were very fresh, and i decided to try and eat one that night when i first got them...
same deal as what you experienced.. mild giddyness, nothing more.. i was devastated to say the least after all i had heard of peyote ... about a week later me and a few friends ate the rest and not a one of us got off from them.. :(
might also be a species with serotonin in it but low to non-existent psilocybin levels

sorry you shared my experience =/


Well-Known Member
Never was a huge shroom fan. I liked my cid. Probably because the first time I ever did shrooms I ate a quarter (dry obviously)..... that night sucked. Didn't help my buddy got his ass jumped. Ive had bad trips before but this was just too intense. I got to the point where I had to turn the blacklights, christmas lights and ect off. I was laying in bed, fetal position with a beautifull but way too intense roller coaster ride of colors. Around peek I couldn't hold my piss any more... kicked on the bathroom light and about had a heart attack. I think my piss hit water maybe twice as i was swaying with the toilet.

Acid on the otherhand I could gobble a 10 stip of some black diamonds and have the time of my life.


Well-Known Member
He means 15 grams fresh not dry idk exactly but like 80% of fresh mushrooms are water so you would dry them out to consume less weight. someone correct me if I'm wrong about the % of water in fresh mushrooms.

About 91 percent water in cubs.