Feeding my plants? Nutrients? What?


So, I litterally have NO experience in planting anything. How do I feed my plants? And how do I give it nutrients? I want to grow a AWESOME plant but I need to know this. How do I grow killer plant/bud without "Planting/Feeding my plants?"


Active Member
Start out by reading the instructions and maybe use a little less than is recommended. We as humans tend to think - more is better. With all the new products you can buy from just one company and if you used everything they recommend and how much they recommend it could make your plant unhealthy. So be careful to not overdose your plants with neutients.

For now - READ A LOT in the area you're going to be growing - Indoor/outdoor. Then buy the right stuff after you are educated in what you really need. Buy it right the first time and save a lot of dough!

Go for it!
I will try to be as much help as possible!

If you want your plants to reach their full potential, you must give them nutrients to grow. Just as kids need proper nutrition for a healthy body, a plant requires proper nutrition to unlock its full potential.

You can purchase plant nutrients at your local garden supply store, hydro store, or straight from the manufacturer. They are typically liquid solutions that you mix into a gallon of water then pour slowly and directly into the soil around the base of the plant. Allow the soil/root system to absorb all the water.

Any experienced grower will tell you that the best results come from organic nutrient lines. I recommend Grower's Secret. They're 100% organic and everything is based on science - humic and fulvic acid to increase nutrient uptake, kelp to provide nitrogen and micronutrients, potash to increase your potassium, worm castings, and more. I found this grow on this website, check it out: https://www.rollitup.org/organics/533825-deadhead-og-atomic-northern-light.html


Active Member


Active Member
That's a good question. During veg, I just use ph down, ONE veg growth premixture, and a drop of Super Thrive. When I get to flowering it gets more involved scheduling different solutions. I use Bat Guano, Boost, Big Bud, A premixed flowering solution, Bud Candy, and Humbolt Honey. THESE ARE NOT USED ALL AT ONCE EACH WATERING TIME.

The funny part for me is I have a good friend that grows outdoors and get decent stuff - What does he use? Water straight from the garden hose. and during flowering a can of Dr. Pepper. I always wonder if all the stuff I use is overkill, but I do come out with great tasting and powerful medicine. His is okay, but he drinks everyday and take pills so he always thinks his stuff is the best. lol