Flowering Question


Greetings friends, here is an update on my White Widow. Cab is 41"x28"x18". T5 6400K lights and two 3400K red spec. lights.
Cab. temp 77F; PH 5.9; PPM 667; and Rez temp 77F. I am using the Lucas Formula, GH Micro and GH Bloom.
Right now I am running two 3400K red spec lights on 12/12. This is day 30 of the 12/12 schedule.


I have done some LST to keep the tops away from the light and it seems to help. The Lady seems to be drinking more water than nutes, I am confused as to why this may be happening. There are plenty of pistels now in alot of locations on the Lady. I think she looks pretty healthy, so my concern is why she is not taking up nutes.
In my estimation I am looking at another 30 to 45 days in flower, which really seems like a long time to me. I hope she will stop the stretch now and begin to fatten up those colas.
Input from my fellow growers would be appreciated. Thanks everyone!


Well-Known Member
Do not concern yourself with nutrient uptake like that. Some strains are nute hogs and some are nute sensitive. You're learning your strain and how she likes to grow. Don't try and make her grow the way you think she should. The plant knows better than you.

Can you get some pics with the HPS off? The leaves look entirely bleached out under the light.


Smokinrav, I will turn the lights off on the next update. They are two t5 3400K red spec. lights not HPS. In a cab this size would you suggest 250 Watt HID or HPS light system? My concern would be heat. I have a feeling you may be right, she may be nute sensitive, next rez change I will go lighter on the nutes. Thanks man!


Well-Known Member
lol, looks just like HPS washout. I guess red light is red light regardless of the source.

A 250 HPS would do very nicely in there, assuming you control the heat.


Right now it looks like the Lady is just sitting there doing nothing. It is almost as if she is dormant or something. Flowering activity is slow, very, very slow. I am perplexed. I am thinking about just starting over. What to do?


Well fellow growers this is a sad day. I discovered that my WW Lady had hermed on me! Almost 40 days into 12/12 and to discover this was disheartening to say the least. Oh well, what can I say. So down she came. Cab all cleaned up now and ready for the next try. Next attempt will be White Widow Auto from Attitude. Comments always welcomed my friends. Will keep you posted on new try.


Well-Known Member
Good luck. You'll have better luck with an auto I bet. Don't have to worry about light stress, or, leaks, or, whatever it was that you were probably dealing with this first time around that got your plant all hermed out.


Good luck. You'll have better luck with an auto I bet. Don't have to worry about light stress, or, leaks, or, whatever it was that you were probably dealing with this first time around that got your plant all hermed out.
Thanks BillyBob420, I hope this next one goes better! Do you have any advice on auto growing? I can use all the tips I can get. See ya!