Confederate Flag Wavers = Traitors


Well-Known Member
I think I should have said this with less anger.

thread title says it all.

I still believe it to be true, kind of!

If anyone tries to go thru this thread, i commend you.

Ive been harrassed by people waving this flag in the past, so im heavily biased. i want to end racism, and am doing my best.

two wrongs dont make a right, and i will promise to deliver my messages with less anger

while it may be true that some people fly it for "pride" of the physical location they grew up, that is awesome. but its hard to deny the same symbol is used to suggest a world with slavery, which has proven to be unamerican.

Perhaps I am unable to see the good in it, and will never.

stoned cockatoo

New Member
lol learn to let go of the past. The past that didn't even involve you.

Now if you don't mind I'll go wave what ever flag i like

I might even choose to wave your flag of choice smeared in feces and you can't do a thing to stop me


Well-Known Member
and you wonder why america has fallen, idiots, you deserve your fate

please tell me one thing usa is #1 at? besides worthless olympic medals, absolutely nothing

oh, we "know" how to spend money
and all because of those god damned confederate flag owners. Please tell me more.


Well-Known Member
you're not american. get the fuck out of my country. we * real americans * will be better off


Well-Known Member
I personally think whoever owns a confederate flag should get the fuck out of america. You obviously are not a true american. I would slap anybody waving a confederate flag in the face.

we need true americans here, not douchebags

lets go ahead and name off people who are known confederate flag wavers in the medical marijuana community....inbred racist fuck pigs


Well-Known Member
and you wonder why america has fallen, idiots, you deserve your fate

please tell me one thing usa is #1 at? besides worthless olympic medals, absolutely nothing

oh, we "know" how to spend money
"Killing brown people"....George Carlin


Well-Known Member
Man its part of our history, good or bad, we can't undo it or take it away. It goes against everything America is by telling people they cannot fly a specific flag.