Plant health declining

I have one plant, bagseed, its about 7 weeks old at 24", I started in 2 gallon pot with Scotts Premium Potitng Soil and Miracle Grow Perlite ( I know, time released nutes). I started seeing what looked like nute burn about a week ago and I had to do transplant into larger container. I decided to use FF Ocean Forest Soil as I did not want to transplant into same soil that was hurting the plant, I also wanted to be able to control the nutrients.

I transplanted 4 days ago into 5 gallon container, plant was root bound so I loosened some of the soil after misting it down and transplanted into wet soil. I put the plant in the shade for 3 days, today I put it in the sun and it just looks bad. A lot of fan leaves have the edges burnt, small leaves are curling down and just look sleepy. Definitely need some help at this point I've put too much work into this thing to have it die on me now. Is this happening because I put the plant in the Sun only 4 days after transplant?


Watering with Poland Spring Bottled Water every 4 days.

Plant is outdoors 14 hours in sunlight, indoor 4 hours on CFL, and in darkness for 6 hours.


lol buzzin i feel ya, i would do a total inside grow, you would be able to make sure the temp is where u want it, it just looks like a small nute burn to me,but i would hold off on nutes and water as regular and see if she bounces back. Good luck bro
Too much fertilizer added, leaf tips burned and yellow spots means nutrient burn or buildup. The excess Nitrogen build up will only be solved if you flush her with lots of water. As of now you see she don't need the Nitrogen until she starts to flower, by then the lower bottoms of the fan leaves will turn yellow and fall off. It will happen atleast 2 times while flowering and close to harvest. Water regularly and feed every 2 weeks until she begins the flowering cycle. Soon as she starts to flower then be prepared to use different nutrients. She will consume more water as it grows so remember to slowly poor it over the roots. As she flowers remember the buds are growing so remember not to over water or fertilize. l
Too much fertilizer added, leaf tips burned and yellow spots means nutrient burn or buildup. The excess Nitrogen build up will only be solved if you flush her with lots of water. As of now you see she don't need the Nitrogen until she starts to flower, by then the lower bottoms of the fan leaves will turn yellow and fall off. It will happen atleast 2 times while flowering and close to harvest. Water regularly and feed every 2 weeks until she begins the flowering cycle. Soon as she starts to flower then be prepared to use different nutrients. She will consume more water as it grows so remember to slowly poor it over the roots. As she flowers remember the buds are growing so remember not to over water or fertilize. l

Even though I didn't add any fertilizer yet? I took her out of the Scotts Potting Soil to AVOID this problem. I was waiting for the transplant to take but it doesn't appear to be going to well. I flushed one week ago, will do again tomorrow. I think I'm going to leave her in the shade a few more days and monitor water closely. I'm thinking this somewhat has to do w/ the fact she was rootbound when I planted.


Well-Known Member
Fox Farms OF has enough nutes, time release no less, to feed any plant for 3 weeks. Period. Nute burn plants transplanted into it can look like hell depending on strain. Hang in there. Do not feed and do not water unless she is really dry for a week. All the light she can handle and air moving. Bet she makes it fine. KISS.

I learned this about FF OF by doing just what I have described myself. Live and learn eh?


Well-Known Member
Even though I didn't add any fertilizer yet? I took her out of the Scotts Potting Soil to AVOID this problem. I was waiting for the transplant to take but it doesn't appear to be going to well. I flushed one week ago, will do again tomorrow. I think I'm going to leave her in the shade a few more days and monitor water closely. I'm thinking this somewhat has to do w/ the fact she was rootbound when I planted.
Hang in there and water only. Then only when dry and she droops. See my post above about FF OF. She'll make it and you did the right thing transplanting.
Some good advice, Thanks Guys. I read up that FF OF can have that effect on younger plants but I was pretty sure at 20", she would be ok, especially since I was taking her out of Scotts and Miracle Grow, both with time released nutrients. How long do you think it will take her to bounce back? It is still getting worse. The bugs aren't even coming around her anymore lol, that can't be good.
Little water at a time, if you disturbed the root system then you may have have problems. Since you planted it in media that contained nutrients it got more than the plant could consume. It has 2 separate problems so which one you can correct first will determine the outcome. Just do not disturb, give it a few days then if don't bounce back you may have to cull it.