Confederate Flag Wavers = Traitors


New Member
Illegal immigrants is one of the problems with out country, I don't care if they get citizenship or at least working on it but illegal immigrants working pissed me off.


Well-Known Member
you're not american. get the fuck out of my country. we * real americans * will be better off
And you are the real American here? With an attitude like yours, I think we would be better off without slanderous pricks like you. Ever hear of live and let live? Peace.


Ursus marijanus
illlegal immigrants are you parents you idiot
1) Incorrect.
2) Dtp, every time I see you on these boards, you're angry and generally abusive. You might wish to consider switching strains ... the current one appears to be bitchweed. cn

<add> My parents are legal immigrants. They are both quite good cooks, and their combined spreads were epic.


Well-Known Member
instead of being a moron, how about you show me a graphical proof of pi (or my preference, tau)'

im sure u are familiar with radians