Religious Stoners.


Well-Known Member
While I am one, I've met very few religious stoners. I guess you could say they're more so spiritual and intuned with nature as opossed to "worshiping" a deity. I can't really speak for you guys, but how many of you would call yourself religious? Also would you say my "assumption" holds true? You know Jesus was annointed in 8 variations of hemp oil right? :joint:
By religious do you mean are we followers of organised religions?

I don't follow an organised religion but I DO consider myself religious.

I wouldn't like to make assumptions about other stoners/people, I don't think there should be pressure to decide.

By religious do you mean are we followers of organised religions?

I don't follow an organised religion but I DO consider myself religious.

I wouldn't like to make assumptions about other stoners/people, I don't think there should be pressure to decide.


That's exactly what I mean. Do you follow an organized religion. Im not trying
to pressure or persuade. I was just asking. I do consider myself a christian, and if jesus wouldn't do it...why would I? Ya know. I don't care who you are, or where you come long as you're cool...we're cool.
I would not consider myself religious, however, I can't imagine that once we die, that is it. there has to be something that comes after life here on earth. Is it heaven? doubt it. Hell? doubt it even more. reincarnation? a possibility. I'd rather live my life the way I want, following nature's laws more or less. In my mind, religion is bullshit, just some made-up crap that is used to get people to blindly follow a leader (whoever it may be, ex- the pope and Hitler). I chose my own path, and where it leads, I will see after my death, until then, who the fuck cares, I'm gunna have fun and live my life the way I think I should.
I would not consider myself religious, however, I can't imagine that once we die, that is it. there has to be something that comes after life here on earth. Is it heaven? doubt it. Hell? doubt it even more. reincarnation? a possibility. I'd rather live my life the way I want, following nature's laws more or less. In my mind, religion is bullshit, just some made-up crap that is used to get people to blindly follow a leader (whoever it may be, ex- the pope and Hitler). I chose my own path, and where it leads, I will see after my death, until then, who the fuck cares, I'm gunna have fun and live my life the way I think I should.

As far as "following"...For myself I wouldn't go that far. It has always been used as a tool for inspiration.
a good friend of mine has a aunt that smokes and her husband was a preacher and when he died she started preaching at the church. she doesnt tell anyone and she never smokes with or around me. but she does with my buddy
I would not consider myself religious, however, I can't imagine that once we die, that is it. there has to be something that comes after life here on earth. Is it heaven? doubt it. Hell? doubt it even more. reincarnation? a possibility. I'd rather live my life the way I want, following nature's laws more or less. In my mind, religion is bullshit, just some made-up crap that is used to get people to blindly follow a leader (whoever it may be, ex- the pope and Hitler). I chose my own path, and where it leads, I will see after my death, until then, who the fuck cares, I'm gunna have fun and live my life the way I think I should.

As far as "following"...For myself I wouldn't go that far. It has always been used as a tool for inspiration. But from talking to seem like you have a good moral structure.
a good friend of mine has a aunt that smokes and her husband was a preacher and when he died she started preaching at the church. she doesnt tell anyone and she never smokes with or around me. but she does with my buddy

I Believe god and weed coincide. Unfortunately Weed and Christians don't.

Sad huh? An herb used by jesus and his disciples outlawed by the church.
As far as "following"...For myself I wouldn't go that far. It has always been used as a tool for inspiration.

do you live your life according to the guidelines set forth by your religion? do you attend mass every Sunday?

these are both screaming following blindly......

I did it for years (forced to by parents)..... it's following. I don't see how religion (organized religion) could be inspirational rather that leadership. when I think of inspiration, i think of a wild animal walking through the woods (inspiring me to be free), i think of watching the river flow (inspiring me to travel). these are inspirations to me, not what a priest says some guy in the past preached. inspiration is all around us, not in the words of an organized religion.
I Believe god and weed coincide. Unfortunately Weed and Christians don't.

Sad huh? An herb used by jesus and his disciples outlawed by the church.

this is part of the reason I think organized religions are complete bullshit, how can they claim to be compassionate, or worthwhile, when they condemn the use of a healing substance that their so called creator both used personally, and healed others with.
do you live your life according to the guidelines set forth by your religion? do you attend mass every Sunday?

these are both screaming following blindly......

I did it for years (forced to by parents)..... it's following. I don't see how religion (organized religion) could be inspirational rather that leadership. when I think of inspiration, i think of a wild animal walking through the woods (inspiring me to be free), i think of watching the river flow (inspiring me to travel). these are inspirations to me, not what a priest says some guy in the past preached. inspiration is all around us, not in the words of an organized religion.

I haven't been to church in years. But I do read my bible. However there are plenty of things that I hold myself responsible for whether god does or not.
this is part of the reason I think organized religions are complete bullshit, how can they claim to be compassionate, or worthwhile, when they condemn the use of a healing substance that their so called creator both used personally, and healed others with.

The same way someone can be banished for a church because thier code of dress isn't up to par. Religion started with good intentions but has been humanized, and all the compassion has been taken out of it. Christians should strive to be christ like in all aspects. As a human it's impossible for me to be perfect ; however I can control how I interact with my fellow man.
I haven't been to church in years. But I do read my bible. However there are plenty of things that I hold myself responsible for whether god does or not.

that's good.....

really that's my only beef with organized religion, it's way too hypocritical. way too strict, and fear inducing.
that's good.....

really that's my only beef with organized religion, it's way too hypocritical. way too strict, and fear inducing.

you're right. People live there whole lives in accordance to the bible and wonder why they've never gotten anywhere. The realest preacher i've ever met wore 10 dollar levi's with holes in them. Says alot eh?
I don't know about Jesus and his mates, but I definately believe that the Ganja and other psychedelics (psylocybin mescaline etc) are connected to the evolution of conciousness (something you attribute to god I assume?).

What made you decide to become a christian/believe what the bible says? are they the same?
you're right. People live there whole lives in accordance to the bible and wonder why they've never gotten anywhere. The realest preacher i've ever met wore 10 dollar levi's with holes in them. Says alot eh?

yeah it does..... I've found the people I learn the most from, are usually who we in society consider as the dumbest of people of our time, the poorest people. you don't need great things to live great. religion needs to get back to it's roots, just like the united states needs to. until that time, I will never, ever consider myself part of any organized religion.
The realest preacher i have ever met was gay. But it was a MCC [GAY] church. He would be in the club saturday night and in church preaching on sunday morning. While i wouldn't choose his lifestyle for myself i don't have a problem with it either. The church however saw it differently and let him go. Truly a shame, his sermons were the only thing that kept me in church. I went once after that, the new guy was old and stale.
I don't know about Jesus and his mates, but I definately believe that the Ganja and other psychedelics (psylocybin mescaline etc) are connected to the evolution of conciousness (something you attribute to god I assume?).

What made you decide to become a christian/believe what the bible says? are they the same?

If it was here before we were I attribute that to nature by way of God's creation. My mother's side of the family is very religious;howver my father is agnostic. My mother planted the seed, and it grew until I was about 17 when I became as devout as you can get. No foul language/secular music/ sex in all forms including masturbation/Church 3-4 times a week/daily bible study. I was entrenched. Then college happened, and all that went out the window. I started to challenge myself, and actually think about what I was doing. I was depriving myself of life by following so fanatically. I learned to back off, have some fun, and it's paid off. I still try and pray almost daily, and read when I can,But for me it wasn't really a choice, it was something I fell into. Now that I have chosen I've become more spiritual. More connected.
The realest preacher i have ever met was gay. But it was a MCC [GAY] church. He would be in the club saturday night and in church preaching on sunday morning. While i wouldn't choose his lifestyle for myself i don't have a problem with it either. The church however saw it differently and let him go. Truly a shame, his sermons were the only thing that kept me in church. I went once after that, the new guy was old and stale.

that's sad. Did other people feel the same way about him as you do? If so that shows the politics involved. It's about the messenger. Who can get the message across the clearest, and not who makes your church look the best.