The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Sambo no longer deals in U wanna see this gaff Im in. Lounging in a sky bar wae lovley birds serving me mojitos
Bitcoins the new currency lol! Wish te fuck I had bought a loada them 4 months ago, fuckin things have more than doubled in price

Sounds nice bill u lucky bastard!


Well-Known Member
A fuckin tenner! I looked about a week or so ago and they were bout £8, think the lowest I paid was about £3.40 or there abouts
yeah i just ad a look on intersango tenner a fuckin coin lol dont really matter much tho cause near all the vendors price are set to change on the change of the bitcoin price.

dus make stuff look cheap tho until u remember ya paying 10er a coin lol couple of new vendors im liking theres 1 from the phillipines selling hash made from landrace strains looks very nice and reveiws are really good.

and another from portugal selling bacci cheap and also some cheap hash that looks real nice and is getting good reviews he dus 5g for 27quid.


Well-Known Member
Ain't been on sr much lately cos no money to put on it! Me and a m8 chopped a few plants last nite so once some of that's gone I might get a couple ton on it, I think it's a cunt gettin the Bitcoins on there so there no point in sticking just a few pound on

Was looking for tobacco on it before but it seemed cheap as fuck until u find out the postage


Well-Known Member
Ain't been on sr much lately cos no money to put on it! Me and a m8 chopped a few plants last nite so once some of that's gone I might get a couple ton on it, I think it's a cunt gettin the Bitcoins on there so there no point in sticking just a few pound on

Was looking for tobacco on it before but it seemed cheap as fuck until u find out the postage
yeah i no what ya mean m8 i aint had a proper spend up in ages on there but do still order abit of hash most weeks, the bacci from the guy in portugal like ya say now looking at it aint amazingly cheap, works out 30 for 3x50g of amber leaf.


Well-Known Member
How u gettin ur Bitcoins m8, on intersango?

So r u able to grow again at the min or what? I think I've got enough of my clones rooted now just need to wait till roots get bigger before transferrin them so happy days, once there uup and runnin ill try get a pic up. The big eexo and psycho are movin house to be scrogged tomoro, goina be a nightmare movin tthem but has to be done, any tips on movin two 4ft plants plus pots?


Well-Known Member
How u gettin ur Bitcoins m8, on intersango?

So r u able to grow again at the min or what? I think I've got enough of my clones rooted now just need to wait till roots get bigger before transferrin them so happy days, once there uup and runnin ill try get a pic up. The big eexo and psycho are movin house to be scrogged tomoro, goina be a nightmare movin tthem but has to be done, any tips on movin two 4ft plants plus pots?
yeah i use intersango they sorted out the probs with metro bank now, got me gas check done today so im good to go again now got clones in the prop and getting a 2.4mtr tent next week so should have a grow back up n running very soon.

all depends really what the house's they coming from and going to are like, if ya can just reverse right up to doors and straight in the back of a van then shouldnt be too hard just put some bags over em if ya got the van right up against the door n leave it late no1s gonna see much other than that large box's?


Well-Known Member
Fuck sake, u think the cyber cops are on yer Ill do u oz's of black at 80 bar plus delivery
what you wantin a bar bill? and remember its layed on, although my grows up in a week or two so i'll happily come to an agreement on that. and dont rip the pish.


Well-Known Member
yeah i use intersango they sorted out the probs with metro bank now, got me gas check done today so im good to go again now got clones in the prop and getting a 2.4mtr tent next week so should have a grow back up n running very soon.

all depends really what the house's they coming from and going to are like, if ya can just reverse right up to doors and straight in the back of a van then shouldnt be too hard just put some bags over em if ya got the van right up against the door n leave it late no1s gonna see much other than that large box's?
One of the houses I can't park at house so it's goina be a quick sprint with bags over them early hours I think lol, I tried lookin out for a cardboard box the right size but there hard come by

One of the ones I chopped last nite was another GH exo, but it was one of the tops that I threw in the prop and it took fuckin weeks to do anything, then grew it in an oxypot in the corner of the rroom were the scrogg was. It grew pretty good considering the top I cloned was lucky if it was 2" tall


Well-Known Member
"My Muslim neighbour hanged himself a few minutes ago."

"Have they cut him down?"

"Not yet. He isn't dead."

tip top toker

Well-Known Member

this pineapple chunk is some seriously good shit :/ had a joint at 3pm and was still fucked at 7.


Active Member
What the fuck is a bitcoin/britcoin. Some kind of internet £oney lol just keep seeing it pop up. I know google but rather ask question to a person


Active Member
Yeh it is cash for shadie sites lol and it is bit coins.
look up hiden wiki [Tor anonymity network] but be warned i have only read this page never had the bottle to go on the site.
A friend gets shit ie mdma crystals and weed but he said there is alot of scary shit you don't want to see on there if you do go on the link on wiki be warend like is said i have only read the shit never whent on the links avalable on it.