growing a potent product


I know weed potency depends alot on genetics and the strain your growing ... but it there a way to make you weed more potent than it would normally be?

I ask because one of my favorite strains is purple haze. I used buy alot of that in New York back in 2004-2008. I don't know if it was called "haze" or "Purple haze".. the point is I could go anywhere in Harlem and get that shit. I knew how to spot it and that distinct smell. So when I seen the strain on attitude seed bank I ordered it, thinking I would be getting the same taste and what not. I was wrong. My weed came out looking (like the pictures I see on the internet) and smelling good too, but the taste was horrible. It tasted almost like grass in the park or someone's yard.

I experienced this with the other strains I grew. All have their own taste, but they all suck monkey balls. I'm not really getting high off of this stuff either. WTF. I started growing to ditch my dealer. How can I grow some fire like the kind my dealer sells?
idk but if the seeds are certified fire and they look and smell good the only conclusion i can make is they didnt flush. this is because the bomb scent doesnt come til the buds are dried and at least a little cured so if the grow went well and the buds look and smell good the the grow was fine but the flush was messed up. this is only my opinion tho.
The genetics almost always come through, sometimes the grower does not.

Way too many factors on why that strain didn't turn out the way you had hoped.

Enough light. Good ventilation and air circulation. Good soil. Stable pH. Less nutes not more. A proper bloom enhancer. Some root enhancers. Good environment. Watered properly, not always soaked or dry. And on and on.
It sounds like you are not drying it properly. Needs to be hung, at least partially trimmed, for 5-10 days in temps of 65-80, humidity of 45-70%, in the dark with small amounts of air movement not directed on the buds. Then, it must be cured properly, in glass mason jars that seal out air. Jars must be opened every 6-8 hours to breath for 30 minutes. Open and less over time. Must cure for at least a week or two.

Good Luck next grow.
Only after you get lucky and grow out a good strain, and clone it while you still can. My strains were coming out good from the start but only after generations of identical clones , and using the same brand of soil now I know how long to flower each. The terpene flavors are different for each, but they smell good enough to smoke by harvest time. OG kush has a whitish bark/stem and hasn't grown big for me but has a eucalyptus smell early in flowering. It might be a skunky smell or sweet or piney or buttery or peppery but the flavors are what makes it better than commercial weed or some thats been sitting around for a year or two. I use big bloom, tiger bloom and sometimes water from a pond full of fish for a unique mix
Potency is genetic. You grow a plant to its full potential (most potent) or you don't. There is no playing around except for genetic manipulation.
it sounds to me if it's not very potent that the op is pulling the bud way too early and they're not living up to their full potential.. i see a lot of newer growers make this mistake.. even 2 or 3 weeks can make a huge difference in how potent the bud will be ime..

as far as the hay taste, it sounds like it was dried too quickly with lil to no cure at all.. buds that are dried too quickly won't break down all of the chorophyl in them and the buds will have that familiar hay / fresh cut grass taste and smell to them.. :D
I'm growing purple haze right now too. Can't remember the seedbank... from a bigger one through attitude's pick n mix.

Mine's a lanky grower and not branchy. The kind of girl you top early if you're prepared for a long veg or just leave alone and grow the x-mas tree. A bit delicate - not a beast. She's sensitive to overfeeding.
I'm growing purple haze right now too. Can't remember the seedbank... from a bigger one through attitude's pick n mix.

Mine's a lanky grower and not branchy. The kind of girl you top early if you're prepared for a long veg or just leave alone and grow the x-mas tree. A bit delicate - not a beast. She's sensitive to overfeeding.

yah, sounds like a good haze imo as haze's are super sensitive to nutes, tend to grow very tall and lanky with lil side branching..

hope it turns out dank for you m8, i love me some purple haze.. pretty much the reason i got into growing my own bud.. :D
I just passed on some purple haze clones cuz I wasn't sure it was the real shit and it has a long flower time. I would guess the op chopped way to early and dried incorrectly as the other posts state.
as far as nutes i used general hydroponics flora grow. bloom, and mirco along with super thrive, molasses. The guy at my grow shop gave me some new shit that he started carrying and I used that too. I don't know the name of it, but I will upload a photo when I get home