For what it's worth cn I struggled and struggled to wrap my head around all the sciency stuff -my dad used to own a TV repair biz and I don't remember not going out on calls with him and I also don't remember it all making any sense past magic so I finally gave in and now just trust the experts on such matters and of course I can prove to me at least that these experts do understand what they are saying and that is really all I can do if I ever want to sleep without being heavily sedated. I am also a major
with computers, cleaning, driving and thinking before I speak (it is why I love you Rollie I get to filter what comes out if I pause long enough before posting to read it lol) What helps with my acceptance of these short comings is that I have always been somehow able to understand the most obscure shit to most everyone around me likely as clearly as you do white energy
-the best example would be to give me a random state's law book and ask me anything and I'll come back with some advice that would rival most who have passed the Bar- I took Business Law and Aviation Law in undergrad, no other formal education it just really makes sense to the way my brain is wired.
idk I find that folks on your side of science -although you personally do have a kick ass grasp on the use of the English language- don't tend to think that the humanities are anything but subjective but w
hen I do my sociological studies and report on them it is 100% scientific methodology; it is only the deductions and theories formed from that data that is really subjective but then isn't anything on your end that isn't a LAW also subjective? I myself believe that whomever discovered protons and neutrons and electrons and atoms and all that whacky far out invisible stuff where fucking high as a kite tripping balls on some LSD, I also don't think that discredits their findings maybe LSD is how you see invisible things that make up atoms that make up matter and so forth but I digress...
I am trying to as humbly as possible tell you that I am an expert on these matters. I approach all my research as scientifically as possible, I know what to control for or what wasn't properly controlled and the Batman massacre aside, it is way to new to have proper facts to use as my evidence, I don't make statements I can't back up with probably a good year of diligent research obsessively poured over to prove to myself that my trust issues are valid and they are all lying rat bastards. As a matter of fact until I started typing this I was double checking my last post since you posted around 11ish so could you maybe give all this a chance and tentatively trust that I am not making this shit up and if someone is then they are amazing Bullshitters? the best?
and please riddle me this? what do the creators of the alleged myth climate change have to gain monetarily besides a carbon tax? what do the Big Oil families and all the rest of them have to gain from discrediting it to the point of almost no return? what did my Profs at HSU have to gain that seem so brilliant and passionate? do they ride their bikes 10 miles from Eureka and back every day laughing at our stupidity for believing the myth? idk I think I need to sleep