Beenthere, where is this rampant voter fraud you keep talking about? show us, please.
Also, think for a moment, do all those fraudulent voters only vote on off hours? how exactly do you imagine that keeping polling places open for fewer hours could possible reduce voter fraud but not limit legitimate voters?
You admonished me for my stand on "common sense". Honestly beenthere, where is yours? I have presented a situation where your understanding of common sense could send you to a single conclusion, that Republicans are purposefully skewing the voting in their states. Then I posted the statement of a man who confirmed it.
Why are you refusing to accept what is obvious?
What would it take for me to convince you that republicans are subverting voters in order to unethicaly alter the presidential election?
Dude, like i said I don't buy into your strawman. Voter fraud is a crime that is super hard to prosecute much less convict. Defamation and libel lawsuits are extremely hard to prove and win but that does not mean it doesn't happen on a daily basis.