Welcome New Members!


Well-Known Member
lol, your welcome. If you're going to do this, I have to warn you, that you have to be VERY careful not to pollenate the rest of your females yourself. Because pollen can stick to your clothes, or your hands, or anything that comes into contact with the grow room that contains the male plant.

Make sure you keep them seperate, and that you clean and sterilize any tools you take from one grow room to another. You probably shouldn't even go from one room to the other without changing your clothes and showering.

I mean, I guess it depends on how much it matters to you that the rest of your plants be sinsemilla. I think you can do it. Good luck, maybe start a grow journal, let us see how it turns out.


Well-Known Member
It depends on your budget. I mean, if you have the money to buy seeds, then that's definately the better way to go. But if you're not going to have money for seeds, then you can do like you said and produce your own.

If you buy your seeds from a seed bank, and then produce buds with seeds, those seeds usually aren't as stable a strain as the original seeds. They're kinda like a bastard child...lol. So, yes, it's better to just buy seeds from the bank if you can.


Well-Known Member
just store the pollen from the male and use a paint brush to polinate select buds on your female plant...so its easy to control..imo


Well-Known Member
*tackles CALI to the ground and smothers him in love cuz it's the first time I've seen him in THIS thread today*

Yeah, if you're still interested in doing the pollen thing, I'd go with what CALI said. There's a reason I'm in awe of him after all...

But yeah, like I said, if you can, buy the seeds, why not? It's YOUR money that's going to be spent, lol

*tackles CALI once more before he goes to bed*


Well-Known Member
Having light issue;s with my passive intake.They are on the bottom of the box.4 2 1/2 at the front of the box and 3 2 1/2 on each side.What can i do to prevent light spill.Help any one,I am stupid.


Well-Known Member
well im not sure if this quick reply box hewre is a decent place to start anything but well lets see... I have just recently started a nice little room essentially the size for one large budding plant of the sativa origin taller than wide but could sustain two if needed and ive been looking online for a nice community of people to start asking my stupid questions to because i have a buddy who i ask questions to and some he doesnt have the answer to cause i guess high times magazine and a few days online is limited resourses. so lets ask a vast community of people. Im sure ill be starting a thread here soon but the problem is i dont have any documentation of my setup or anything. Look for my thread ill start it on the newbie thing probably, i think this place will help alot because there arent moderators that are all like "READ FAQ AND DONT ASK QUESTIONS" sorry guys dont have the time to read thousands of idiotic replies and posts. so i came to rollitup.org imma start that thread now.


Active Member
can anyone tell me if clones can be taken at 37 days in to veg stage ?, as i have a friend that had to leave town and took clones and kill plants lol poor babys please help as she is wondering if she did the right thing ? and what will be the out come? HELP! HELP!


Well-Known Member
Yeah clones should be able to be taken at 37 days into veg....but I don't understand what you're saying about "kill plants" Are you saying her plants died after she took these clones? Or the clones are dying? Has she put the clones in rockwool? Did she use any rooting powder?