Noob needs your input [:

[FONT=&amp]Say this were to be my setup.
250 hps with standard 250 bulb
1 sativa dominant bagseed
15/9 lighting schedule
hoping to veg 6 weeks
Currently going perhaps 3 weeks or more [/FONT]
Okay so I guess since I wont be getting a fan for it for another cpl days and it already being on 15/9 for 3 weeks like it has I might as well let it flower through. After all, it is a heavily sativa dominant bagseed. I've been looking over the 12/12 from seed thread. I have it in a 2 liter pot. [/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]So what of the nutrients? It is in a 50/50 miracle grow seed starting/miracle grow potting soil 3 month feed soil mix and I have some Bio-Bizz bloom that I haven't used. When do you think I should feed it a 1/2 dose and is it even a good idea being that its in 3 month feed mg? [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]I have noticed recently in the past two days what looks to be early preflowers starting to grow but right now it is two early to tell its gender but I am betting on female. So far this sativa has been vigorous. Ofcourse I know plants can preflower through veg. Never seen a 15/9 method done though.[/FONT]


Well-Known Member
that mg 3 month soil will jack your plants up it used to kill my plants every time like 4 weeks into the grow you will see your self though


Well-Known Member
o and do not feed 1 drop since your useing 3 month soil its already releasing to much nutes any more will most likely give your plant nute burn depending on how hardy your strain is if you have a real hardy strain it might be able to withstand all of the time realesed ferts
3 month soil is at the bottom of the container. I figured once the plant garnered enough roots down the container by then it would be asking for nitrogen and could handle the mg. Should I take out the current soil and replace it with 100% MG seed starter dirt and go on to feed it Bio-Bizz bloom nutes? The container is small so I don't expect much yield from it but I am going more for quality. :idea:


If you are going for quality don't use MG man... that's some cheap chemical shit. Try some fox farm or even amend the soil outside your house and take some in for your plant. You should just continue with this one and let it finish but just a tip for next time :) and if you are vegging then why are you going 15/9? You can run it 24 hrs if you want and maybe get a bigger plant. Good luck with your harvest bro the lighting sounds great for it
I think I'm just going to go ahead and flower it from start. Been having it on 15/9 and it has been growing just fine. Lately since what looks to be immature preflowers growing out it has been growing very slowly. I don't see any new leaf shoots popping out of the top of the stalk anymore. Could this mean it is at the beginning stage of flowering? I am sure it will get a little taller than this or atleast I'd hope. It is hardly a foot. What is your opinions?


Well-Known Member
I think I'm just going to go ahead and flower it from start. Been having it on 15/9 and it has been growing just fine. Lately since what looks to be immature preflowers growing out it has been growing very slowly. I don't see any new leaf shoots popping out of the top of the stalk anymore. Could this mean it is at the beginning stage of flowering? I am sure it will get a little taller than this or atleast I'd hope. It is hardly a foot. What is your opinions?
That the shit MG soil is killing it.


Well-Known Member
15/9 will sometimes make a sativa dominant strain flower prematurely, just a warning. 18/6 or more is the universal vegging time.
So I guess I am just going to have to deal with a early flowering plant then. Oh well, I wasn't expecting to get over 2 ounces with the container size anyways. Sativa's give off a bit more than indica's yield wise. I will atleast get something. There is no fox farm soil around here. I could just replace the 3 month feed with 100% seed starter and begin dosing it with bio-bizz bloom. Would that solve the MG problem? Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
So I guess I am just going to have to deal with a early flowering plant then. Oh well, I wasn't expecting to get over 2 ounces with the container size anyways. Sativa's give off a bit more than indica's yield wise. I will atleast get something. There is no fox farm soil around here. I could just replace the 3 month feed with 100% seed starter and begin dosing it with bio-bizz bloom. Would that solve the MG problem? Thoughts?
added stress by transplanting.... seed starter is just like a neutral fluff anyway... its more of a medium than an actual 'soil'... thats just me tho.
So I've got a idea. My sativa donimant bagseed came from some serious schwag but it is going very strong even in the mg. When I originalluy planted it I filled half of the small container with ofcourse as I said before 50/50 between seed starter and 3 month s release. I recently filled up the rest of the container till the codelyne was 2 inches above soil. 3 days back I started foliar spraying it with water and if I keep doing this I will have to water the soil less meaning less nutrients will be sucked in.


Active Member
I spray my plants with water everyday in veg sometimes a few times. I find I still water them just as much. My plants love there daily mistings.


Well-Known Member
OK try flushing that MG soil by letting it dry really well.

Then 1 gallon RO water.

Let it dry.

1 gallon RO water and let dry before again watering the regular amount and schedule.

Doing that can get most, not all, of the "time release" granules to flush by simple hydraulic pressure through soil so wet it's in solution temporarily and gravity. The drying is THE important part before, between and after.

Bottom heating by a reptile mat can help speed drying and the roots will respond to the warmth. The desert reptile is warmer I believe. Buy at any big pet store.