
Well-Known Member
Dude, you know what movie based on a true story that trips me out? Sleepers...I mean, it's a true those guys really managed to get revenge and shit using the court system that way...that's fucking tight.


Well-Known Member
how would you keep it warm?
They come with heat pads, to heat them up, but what I did was I threw it in the microwave for a few seconds. It heated it up BEYOND the range that was needed, so on the way to the piss testing place, I let the AC cool it down to JUST above the range I needed. Then I hid it in my bra.

Figure that it's better to have it too hot than too cold. Because if you get to the place and it's still too hot, you can cool it down using the water if you really need to. If it's too're just fucked and you're going to fail.

Your body heat should be enough to keep it in the right range anyways, as long as the bottle it's in isn't made out of too thick a material.


Well-Known Member
Dude, you know what movie based on a true story that trips me out? Sleepers...I mean, it's a true those guys really managed to get revenge and shit using the court system that way...that's fucking tight.
Its based on a novel that the author claims to be true, so nobody really knows.


Well-Known Member
Well it was still a damn good movie, and if it were true that makes it better. Nice to see the sytem used to fuck over the right people for once.

Did anyone here ever watch MacGyver?


Well-Known Member
just like they say texas chainsaw massacre was a true story, of course there was no texas chainsaw was based on ed gein who never killed anyone with a chainsaw


Well-Known Member
thx i would have to have alot of pee then because when i get back to work they are going to piss me for a year and 2 times a month and it could go up for 5 years i think i will look for a different job when this shit is over with i need my hazmat thx


Well-Known Member
Dude, I saw one, where he was like being held captive in this bamboo hut, and I don't remember what all was in there with him...but when he finally busted out, he had made a fucking HELICOPTER out of bamboo and other things....

Yeah, MacGyver is the SHIT. lol, I love the What Would MacGyver Do? things.


Well-Known Member
lol, what?

I know the guy didn't kill anyone with a chainsaw, but he DID do some freaky shit. I think he made like a suit out of women's skin/body parts and wore it around his house....


Well-Known Member
OMG, just the SOUND that little fucker makes freaks me out. PLUS, in that movie, one chick tries to hide under her blankets, and the little bastard gets her THERE! That's totally wrong, I'm sorry, but everyone knows, once you're under the blankets your safe.
yeah, that's just fucked up. :evil: