Is my girlfriends cat affecting my plants!?


Well-Known Member
Can a cat ruin the growth of our beloved plant? No seriously tho...about start a grow but nothing sprout but one.
Should i have light on them alredy? I have couple germinated seed in rockwool waiting for them to sprout...also hiw wet should i keep rockwool? Sprayem with water or pourem with water?

Appreciate any input on all these questions!!!
Soon as i get these puppies going will post sOme pics...


Well-Known Member
The only way the cat can affect them is if he decides to get playful with the leaves or something. Temperature is more important than anything when trying to germinate, keep the temp around 76-80f. Only keep them soaked until they sprout and then just keep moist.


Well-Known Member
If the cat eats the entire plant it will be ruined, but other than digging in the pot to pee and what not, and eating a few leaves there is nothing about just having a cat in residence that will spell disaster for your plants.


New Member
I'm still new, but id think having an animal in the room with your plants could possibly introduce pests and possible infections.
I do not let any of my dogs or animals in my grow room. I like to keep it clean as possible.


Well-Known Member
Thanx guys sometimes get s little paranoid. Well inly 1 sproted and rest nada..benn like 5 days or more shoul i write them off try new batch?

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
my girlfriends cat used to chomp all the fanleaves he could reach... Ended up having to lift everything off the ground and out of his reach


New Member
Yes, give whiskers to me, I will dig a hole.

Even though I doubt the cat is your issue I still wouldn't have any type of animals around my plants.


Active Member
My dogs and cats love my grow room. My Black lab thinks he's the flowering room guardian. I never leave them in there unattended but they love to come visit.