Cloning with honey


Well-Known Member
So i have been using honey to take clones,but the honey i used has been crystallized (glucose separates and goes solid).
I used the liquid contents of the after affect,the thing is my clones have rooted faster than EVER!!! 2-3 days for young cutting
and only 9 days for cuttings i took from a 3 1/2 week flowering plant,for some reason the after solution of the honey works better
than ANY cloning hormone that i have tried personally.

If you got some honey in stored and maybe this happens try it out lemme know the results :-P


Well-Known Member
This is a picture of crystallized honey honey.jpg
You will notice how the sugars (glucose) separated (the yellow stuff).
The top-right jar depicts my situation the best.Basically instead of heating the honey to make it bind again with the sugars
i just used the liquid portion left on top and take a cutting as i would normally do and i have to say it works wonderful especially
since i plant directly in soil which is a little harder to do compared to cloners, rockwool or even just a cup of water.

I don't actually know how to separate the mixture myself i just stumbled across it while looking thru a cabinet and tried it.

I'll Google it lol


Well-Known Member
so take the cutting at the nromal angle,,rough up the sides,, dip in the honey and then plonk in jiffy thing? i take it that the sugers are wat helps? if thats the case wouldnt mollassis or cane sugar do the same job? and for the hassle id rather just buy sum clonex hormone its chepa and tried and tested
If you realy want a good organic rooting hormone try useing willow tree leaves, bark, stem ground up in water then left to set in the dark for a couple days the willow carries rooting hormones use this mix to wet the soil. I have never had any luck cloneing until I tryed this. I ended up with a success rate of 3/3.
Google Indole-3-butyric acid, and check it out. It's a little hard to obtain and takes some to master but IBA is the active ingredient in a TON of rooting hormones and other nutrient additives. Clonex, Roots Excelerator, Dip N Grow, Olivias, etc all use IBA in their recipes. If you ever get into mixing your own nutes with over seas salts this will be one ingredient you won't want to be without. As far as the honey goes, people have used it for years to root cuttings in their gardens. Cool discovery with the seperation and the liquid working so fast. If it works for ya, keep at it. I do things in my garden that my partners all laugh at yet they work for me. Beleive it or not but there was a time many years ago that my partners laughed when I busted out some mollasses and epsom salt, now they all have them in their nutrient line up...

Stay medicated,
West Coast Cultivation


Well-Known Member
so take the cutting at the nromal angle,,rough up the sides,, dip in the honey and then plonk in jiffy thing? i take it that the sugers are wat helps? if thats the case wouldnt mollassis or cane sugar do the same job? and for the hassle id rather just buy sum clonex hormone its chepa and tried and tested
As it says separated so i don't know if sugar or molasses would do the same thing maybe you should try,and it really wasn't a hassle i just had it available so i tried it and i have rooting gel and powder the honey method just worked better.I'm not telling everyone to try and crystallized it but if they just so happen to come across it TRY IT!


Well-Known Member
If you realy want a good organic rooting hormone try useing willow tree leaves, bark, stem ground up in water then left to set in the dark for a couple days the willow carries rooting hormones use this mix to wet the soil. I have never had any luck cloneing until I tryed this. I ended up with a success rate of 3/3.
I know about this method also but i don't want to look weird taking tree samples w/o a lab coat lol
It's free and organic what can get better then that. Even if you do look weired collecting parts of the tree it's better then buying something with who knows what in it.


Active Member
Google Indole-3-butyric acid, and check it out. It's a little hard to obtain and takes some to master but IBA is the active ingredient in a TON of rooting hormones and other nutrient additives. Clonex, Roots Excelerator, Dip N Grow, Olivias, etc all use IBA in their recipes. If you ever get into mixing your own nutes with over seas salts this will be one ingredient you won't want to be without. As far as the honey goes, people have used it for years to root cuttings in their gardens. Cool discovery with the seperation and the liquid working so fast. If it works for ya, keep at it. I do things in my garden that my partners all laugh at yet they work for me. Beleive it or not but there was a time many years ago that my partners laughed when I busted out some mollasses and epsom salt, now they all have them in their nutrient line up...

Stay medicated,
West Coast Cultivation

IT is sold in every hardware store in the usa for about $4 or $5 for 16 ozs bottle
ANd most plant stores for a much higher price southerlands hardware store has it for $4 a bottle they have website google them


Active Member
As it says separated so i don't know if sugar or molasses would do the same thing maybe you should try,and it really wasn't a hassle i just had it available so i tried it and i have rooting gel and powder the honey method just worked better.I'm not telling everyone to try and crystallized it but if they just so happen to come across it TRY IT!
i will get some and let it sit till it does and give it a try


Well-Known Member
so take the cutting at the nromal angle,,rough up the sides,, dip in the honey and then plonk in jiffy thing? i take it that the sugers are wat helps? if thats the case wouldnt mollassis or cane sugar do the same job? and for the hassle id rather just buy sum clonex hormone its chepa and tried and tested
That's what I was going to ask, would Molasses work also.


Active Member

home made

[h=2]Willow Water[/h]
  • Homemade willow water is an effective tree root stimulant. This stimulant was discovered from the observation that willow branches grow very easily even when simply stuck in the ground. Cut some willow branches and soak them overnight in a bucket of water. Use this water on newly planted or established trees as a root stimulant. Willow water can also be used for all other plants including vegetables. You can also use the branches of yuccas, dogwoods, poplars and other fast-rooting tree species to make root-stimulant water.

Read more: Homemade Tree Root Stimulator |


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
just grow your own tree. theres lots of plants and trees that are beneficial to growing weed. you can actually grow pretty much all of your nutrients by growing Comfrey.

check it out

just had a stoner moment thanks to your post lol.:clap:..i was going to quote you and point out how its not a good ideal to plant weeping willows unless you have alot of space because there ROOTS grow insane..:idea::idea::idea:. now it makes sense using the weeping willow mash as a rooting hormone..:weed: