So you hate the guy because he is rich? Obama is a very rich man now ever think to question that? Mitt has more but when you start talking million does it even matter to the average Joe anymore?
Barack Obama and wife have a tidy 12 million dollar estate. Not anything in comparison with Mitt but it makes one wonder how did the Obamas become millionaires?
Mr. Obama makes $ 400,000 a year as President and Mrs. Obama has not worked since 2007. How did they become millionaires?
Prior to becoming a candidate for President, he was a U.S. Senator making about $ 160,000 and she was legal counsel for a NONPROFIT hospital at about the same income as her husband. Say, they made $ 300,000 annually between them, how did they become millionaires?
Before joining the U.S. Senate, he was a State Senator at $ 65,000 a year. He also taught part-time in a law school for $ 60,000 80,000.
Now I am not ripping on Obama for this I know its the name of the game, this is why almost every senator is a millionaire. Just ease back on the bama koolaid.