Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS


Well-Known Member

Mythbusters did it for me, I need to look up nothing.
Does the term disinfo mean anything? You only need to start by examining the education system that is designed to dumb people down. Looks like it's been pretty successful, as we tend not to challenge what they tell us.

We can start with why mj is illegal and designated as a class B drug. OR that prescription medication is OK, cause you know, it is prescribed by a doctor, whose education and books is underwritten by big pharma. And what about GMOs?

So you think they only tell 'little' lies?

Google the Van Allen Belt or Stanley Kubrick who was paid to film the fucking thing

Krayven Sumhead

Well-Known Member
Wonder what made those rover tracks and left all that valuable shit up there???


Sputnik was a hoax, too.

Launching vehicles into space?

Next thang, they'll be telling us the US has drone predators.

And, the earth is flat, too.


Well-Known Member
Wonder what made those rover tracks and left all that valuable shit up there???


Sputnik was a hoax, too.

Launching vehicles into space?

Next thang, they'll be telling us the US has drone predators.

And, the earth is flat, too.
You should change your UN to CravinsomeBRAINS. PEOPLE cannot survive going through the Van Allen Belt. The rest of your ignorant reply is equally as stupid.