Number of plants


Well-Known Member
I already posted this in the indoor section, but I didn't get a lot of response so I am going to try it here.

the question is, how many plants would you put under 1 600w and 1 400w in a 5wx4Lx7h growing area(flowering only)? No interest in sog or scrog, want to go with full size matured plants, just wondering if 8-9 is best or if somewhere around 12 would be best. If their is only a small difference in yield I would prefer 8-9 plants, seems like it would be potentially less work and who doesn't like the look of massive plants. Just looking for a few people to chime in with their opinions on this topic.


Well-Known Member
anyone? if it helps the strain is ak99. Thanx aain to anyone who has already responded to my other thread.


Well-Known Member
interesting, i would like to know this too, just a guess but i would assume you should start with about 30.... then start to pick the stronger ones and lose the weak/males... maybe end up with like....15 but idk D:


Well-Known Member
there are 6 ak99 going right now alongside 6 bagseed, I am more concerned for the next run after choosing a mother or two and beginning cloning I do also have a few more ak99 seeds waiting in the wings incase of some terrible accident (probably should have just started them all, but better safe than sorry).


Well-Known Member
some good news today 4 of the 6 ak's are confirmed female at 4.5 weeks veg about 12in. tall average, I think the other two are male but I'm waiting to make sure cuz it's gonna be sad to lose 'em.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
5x4 is an addball sized area.Figure a 400 wtt light is a 3x3 coverage and a 600 watt light covers a 4x4 area.How will you be growing hydro,aero,soil,dwc? In soil will you be sog,scrog,lollipoping or what? Your using 3 gallon or 5 gallon pots?How did you confirm the sex of 4.5 week vegged plants they need to go 12/12 to confirm unless you have lack of light already?


Well-Known Member
I need to borrow a camera to get some pics up. Doing all organic in soil, will probably fim/top (not sure which or both yet) one or two of them not really planning on much lst for now, may do a very slight version on a few just to try, I am more interested in just growing some straight up, big, natural beauties especially since its a first grow if this strain. Want to know what I can expect from them before doing to much experimenting.


Well-Known Member
Give each plant 1 sq. ft. of pot space for roots.. maybe 16 under a 600w, 8 under a 400w, and 20 under a 1000w.


EDIT: two 600's are mo-betta than a single 1000w.


Well-Known Member
5x4 is an addball sized area.Figure a 400 wtt light is a 3x3 coverage and a 600 watt light covers a 4x4 area.How will you be growing hydro,aero,soil,dwc? In soil will you be sog,scrog,lollipoping or what? Your using 3 gallon or 5 gallon pots?How did you confirm the sex of 4.5 week vegged plants they need to go 12/12 to confirm unless you have lack of light already?
actually one thing I have read about ak99 from other grow journals I have read is that they tend to sex very early. pre-flowers are very obvious even at this age. They are certainly not lacking light with 1000 watts aiming at them under 18in. away. Right now the 600 is covering most of them with the 400 angled a bit on the outside, I figure I will just move the plants and lights a bit throughout their cycle to get them under different areas of light. They are in 3 gallons right now but I may be transplanting some into 5 gallons soon just to see if their is a discernable difference. Nutes are Earth Juice 5 part organic, and their is plenty of ventilation, temps around 80f, currently running 18/6 though they were started at 24/0. If you need any other info feel free to ask.


Well-Known Member
Give each plant 1 sq. ft. of pot space for roots.. maybe 16 under a 600w, 8 under a 400w, and 20 under a 1000w.


EDIT: two 600's are mo-betta than a single 1000w.
There is 1 600 and 1 400 (had the 400 first then procured the 600) in the same space they are not seperate rooms just one 5x4x7 space, how many do you think optimal without sog or scrog. expecting these plants to be between 3-5 feet tall depending on how many are grown.


Well-Known Member
There is 1 600 and 1 400 (had the 400 first then procured the 600) in the same space they are not seperate rooms just one 5x4x7 space, how many do you think optimal without sog or scrog. expecting these plants to be between 3-5 feet tall depending on how many are grown.
A conservative 24 plants.

The 600w will cover a larger area, the 400 will cover less. Design based upon you reflectors.



Active Member
I have a flowering area almost the same size. I veg from seed for about three weeks then to flower. I have six plants in this area and there is no extra room. If your space is fully accessible along one entire side you may get a few more. The biggest challenge you may have is locating a place to mount your oscillating fan. If the fan is too close to the first few plants you will have problems with proper transpiration, etc.


Well-Known Member
I have a flowering area almost the same size. I veg from seed for about three weeks then to flower. I have six plants in this area and there is no extra room. If your space is fully accessible along one entire side you may get a few more. The biggest challenge you may have is locating a place to mount your oscillating fan. If the fan is too close to the first few plants you will have problems with proper transpiration, etc.
The trick to that is removing the lower 1/3 portion of the plants to allow airflow and for the plants to concentrate on the upper cannopy as the plant bush out.

Also, lower RH (30-40%) produce smaller leaves and more resin. The plant produces more resin in a 'dryer' environment to 'trap' moisture. This resin is filled with THC!!!!!



Well-Known Member
I have a flowering area almost the same size. I veg from seed for about three weeks then to flower. I have six plants in this area and there is no extra room. If your space is fully accessible along one entire side you may get a few more. The biggest challenge you may have is locating a place to mount your oscillating fan. If the fan is too close to the first few plants you will have problems with proper transpiration, etc.
I have access around two full sides of this area, so technically I have a bit more than 5x4 to use depending on how cramped I want to be, There are tables on either side of the area so placing fans and everything else is very easy, I could eventually make the footprint of this area be something more like 6x5 if I take out one of the tables, the other is going to be used for a vegging/cloning/mother area.