Old grow patch came back


Active Member
the previous owner of the property i live on used to grow outdoors. while i was walking today in the are he used to grow in and i found about 10 plants. they are not ditch weed as there is alot of that in my area of the Midwest. the plants are just starting to bud and have visible crystals. the buds on some smell like pine, while the others smell quite fruity.

any advice on what i have here? what can i do with it?


Well-Known Member
wait for them to finish, then smokie smokie?

sounds like a good deal to me!

anyways fruity/piny smell is a bit to vauge. i would say next to impossible to tell the strain with only that info.


Well-Known Member
Wait till harvest then send them to me so i can dispose of them properly.


Well-Known Member
the previous owner of the property i live on used to grow outdoors. while i was walking today in the are he used to grow in and i found about 10 plants. they are not ditch weed as there is alot of that in my area of the Midwest. the plants are just starting to bud and have visible crystals. the buds on some smell like pine, while the others smell quite fruity.

any advice on what i have here? what can i do with it?
are you sure the new owner isn't growing them?

if they're not yours, here's what you do: leave them the fuck alone.


Well-Known Member
If there is only 10 it is likely a planned garden. Not a forgotten one, that would have many many plants from many many many seeds. Hey maybe you got lucky tho! If so sweet deal! And spread that good karma! (my way please :)))


Active Member
I know it's not the new owner cause my family owns the property. I will try to post some pics when I get a good camera.

There are also a couple male plants. Is it to late to rip them?