Well-Known Member
You have to prove an assertation
what's an assertation?

nobel prize winning grammar there.
they couldn't find a single intimidated voter, thus no voter intimidation. you just agreed with chesus there, smarty.
You have to prove an assertation
Chesus has Turret's syndrome.Do explain where this statement came from? How is Ron Paul tied into this conversation?
Can you list all the "disenfranchised" voter cases in the last 2 decades?Can you please list all the voting fraud cases in the last 2 decades?
Chesus has Turret's syndrome.
Can you list all the "disenfranchised" voter cases in the last 2 decades?
what's an assertation?
nobel prize winning grammar there.
they couldn't find a single intimidated voter, thus no voter intimidation. you just agreed with chesus there, smarty.
They couldn't find a single voter who could not afford an ID card, thus no disenfranchised voters!
Name them.If the number of legitimate voters that are kept from voting exceeds the number of illegitimate voters that are kept from committing voter fraud,then what you have is what the right wants, a corrupt election. It is quite obvious that hundreds of thousands if not millions of legitimate voters will be kept from casting their vote this year, and that seems to be ok with you folks.
No. Now your turn. Have you stopped beating your wife?So, by virtue of your incredulity, things must not really be as they are right? The fact is that even if you don't believe it, even if other's situations are not akin to your own, about 9 percent of the voters in PA don't have what is now considered "valid ID" in order to vote. How about answering some questions. Do you support denying the vote of legitimate voters?
Don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel..........lol....Now, beyond all of this, Only Republicans think it is a good idea to place yet another questionably elected president in office. Only they are willing to further divide their country yet again, first by having Bush be selected by fiat, then by loudly questiong the legitimacy of Obama and finally, should Romney win, ensure that serious questions exist over his election as well. This is Republicanism, filthy, disgusting, unpatriotic, and reprehensible.
I thought it was hundreds of millions? Where do you come up with these numbers?So, it does not matter to you that hundreds of thousands of legitimate voters will be unable to cast their ballots this November.
I thought it was hundreds of millions? Where do you come up with these numbers?
PA state officials. they say about 758,000 voters will be disenfranchised.
Racist stereotype. Shame on you.I am scared of the New black Panthers There are almost a 100 of hem give or take a dozen depending on which ones are in county lock up for child support or crack offenses
I've yet to see any proof of this, how about some names of these people, who are they?
Racist stereotype. Shame on you.
OMFG you are retarded. recheck post #425.
The Pennsylvania Department of State said that a comparison of voter registration rolls with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation databases indicates that 91 percent of the commonwealth's 8.2 million registered voters have PennDOT identification numbers.
What the fuck does that have to do with people being able to afford an ID card, are you stoned or what?
If, big if, they even vote. I would propose that those too lazy to get an ID, are too lazy to vote.If a state requires ID to vote they should make your first ID free. If not, it's an obvious deterrent to an adult who in 2012 has yet to ever receive an ID. It's also obvious this person would most likely vote democrat.