Portland area greenhouse grow

guard cat.

Looks like a fat version of my Patches lol
I used to get animal hair in my weed because my buddy had guard dogs roaming his farm haha. It wasn't as many as you would think though......they only get on the surface haha
Call her Viola Legitima. Then she won't have kittens. cn

OMFG your talent for language knows no bounds. that one took me less time than most will take to get it.


i love ours too (Jenny) but she is BANNED from anywhere cannabis grows.

As are the dogs.

she's pretty good about that, actually. last year, there was plenty of room to move in there, and i sat and petted that fat shedding monster near the plants. no negative effects to speak of.

this year, i can barely move in there and she only goes in there to sleep in the wet soil in the shade of the plant. she is too fat and inactive to do much else. so she will barely spread any hair.

besides, cat hair in the buds is how you know it got loved.

I read up through page 16, and its sucks to hear all that thief bullshit.

My suggestion would be to get another dog, a large german shepherd, and let it be natures deterrent. Trust me, I have a large german shepherd that goes NUTS whenever anything gets near our property. Best of all, she/he will not only alert and wake you, but if they are dumb enough to continue on, she will start roughin em up for ya.

e; Well i guess on page 17 you beat me to it lol. I would still get one and leave it in the GH while you sleep, and keep it with you while awake. You can take them both out when your family is home.

Best of luck in all your futures grows
I read up through page 16, and its sucks to hear all that thief bullshit.

My suggestion would be to get another dog, a large german shepherd, and let it be natures deterrent. Trust me, I have a large german shepherd that goes NUTS whenever anything gets near our property. Best of all, she/he will not only alert and wake you, but if they are dumb enough to continue on, she will start roughin em up for ya.

e; Well i guess on page 17 you beat me to it lol. I would still get one and leave it in the GH while you sleep, and keep it with you while awake. You can take them both out when your family is home.

Best of luck in all your futures grows
u dont know what sex your dog is?
u dont know what sex your dog is?

My dog is a female. I was speaking generally, because German Shepherds are one breed that maintains similar protection qualities in both sexes.
Females are known to be more protective of the owner, while males are usually more protective of property. However, both sexes are keen on protection, and are a favorite breed for "junkyard dogs".

How did you even relate my suggestion to him, as an inability to differentiate my dog's sex? The only statement I made concerning my dog was here: "Trust me, I have a large german shepherd that goes NUTS whenever anything gets near our property."

Not sure if you're unable to read correctly, or if you were just being a smartass. Either way, it didn't work out well for you.
Good day
I read up through page 16, and its sucks to hear all that thief bullshit.

My suggestion would be to get another dog, a large german shepherd, and let it be natures deterrent. Trust me, I have a large german shepherd that goes NUTS whenever anything gets near our property. Best of all, she/he will not only alert and wake you, but if they are dumb enough to continue on, she will start roughin em up for ya.

e; Well i guess on page 17 you beat me to it lol. I would still get one and leave it in the GH while you sleep, and keep it with you while awake. You can take them both out when your family is home.

Best of luck in all your futures grows

My dog is a female. I was speaking generally, because German Shepherds are one breed that maintains similar protection qualities in both sexes.
Females are known to be more protective of the owner, while males are usually more protective of property. However, both sexes are keen on protection, and are a favorite breed for "junkyard dogs".

How did you even relate my suggestion to him, as an inability to differentiate my dog's sex? The only statement I made concerning my dog was here: "Trust me, I have a large german shepherd that goes NUTS whenever anything gets near our property."

Not sure if you're unable to read correctly, or if you were just being a smartass. Either way, it didn't work out well for you.
Good day
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Really Fresno, you can't read either? Find the large red thing, decipher what those strange straight and curvy lines mean, and get back to me.

My goodness. I even gave a thorough explanation as to why I spoke in the general "she/he" term.
It's cool though

My dog is a female. I was speaking generally, because German Shepherds are one breed that maintains similar protection qualities in both sexes.
Females are known to be more protective of the owner, while males are usually more protective of property. However, both sexes are keen on protection, and are a favorite breed for "junkyard dogs".

How did you even relate my suggestion to him, as an inability to differentiate my dog's sex? The only statement I made concerning my dog was here: "Trust me, I have a large german shepherd that goes NUTS whenever anything gets near our property."

Not sure if you're unable to read correctly, or if you were just being a smartass. Either way, it didn't work out well for you.
Good day
View attachment 2306113
the he/she part is where it got confusing. it could have sounded like you were talking about your own dog, but you were speaking generally. fresno seized on the chance to be a bit of a smartass, i might have done the same in the right circumstances.

as far as the suggestion goes, we just bought a mastiff/dane/hound mix pup in the spring and he is a great, loyal, protective dog, but a bit spoiled. he sleeps inside. we're not in a position where we can get another dog, nor would i just to guard a greenhouse. i've been using alarms and other protections as well as my own supervision to prevent further burglaries.

not much longer to go, either, flowers are beginning to set quite nicely. :)
I don't seem to see it, but I guess that's just me. Especially seeing as how I just answered the same question in the immediate prior post. I even pointed out that I had only made one small statement pertaining to MY dog, but again, it's cool.

That's enough of that though.

Thanks again for sharing your garden UncleBuck, glad to hear things are going good again this year
Hey Buck,

Nice job, they look very happy and healthy. Getting jealous of the greenhouse. We had to put ours on hold this season, the state is in the middle of changing our regs. so were gonna wait until all the new regs. have been finalized. Been guerilla style for years, I'm getting too old for the headaches from rippers, LEO's and budrot.