does marijuana grow in day or nighttime or both?

Sean Tom

Well-Known Member
yea just as the title says i am looking for some educated,research based, feedback. if you can provide links and proof to whatever your argument. i recently read a post in which a guy said plants do the growing at night, so if you run 24hr light youll have smaller plants.
Both.... im not not going to find some page on the interweb to prove my self. But heres what you can do... measure your plant in the morning then again before you go to bed. See if it has grown. then you measure it again the next morning and compare to the previous measurement. And walla!
some people say 'plants need rest' but plants need light more. If plants grew better in the dark , hortilux would be out of business and too. maybe its a serious question but come on. for further proof plants need light open the window and look outside. It really is a question about light schedules, but the wording is confusing.
This is kind of like plant 101. All plants need rest.

Your link poses the question? [SIZE=-1][SIZE=+2]Do plants sleep? Yes. At night time, plants can not make food, so they shut down by closing their[/SIZE][SIZE=+2] stomata.[/SIZE]

During Veg my plants get no dark and keep photosynthesizing 24/7. And terms like sleep only pertains to animals as it refers to a state of consciousness as well as a physical state.

edit: regarding OP's questions;

Any half-way observant person will tell you that plants grow during night and day.

Although the process of photosynthesizing will take place during day hours, the plant has enough stored CO2 in the form of sugars to carry on with the essential business of growing.

Its the way evolution works, any plant or animal that only grew in day hours would be at a serious disadvantage from their competitors.
yea just as the title says i am looking for some educated,research based, feedback. if you can provide links and proof to whatever your argument. i recently read a post in which a guy said plants do the growing at night, so if you run 24hr light youll have smaller plants.

I wouldn't listen to that guy,The plant in my avatar was on 24/0 for a month and was 18" before i went to 12/12 and i was using 4 26w cfls.
in general daytime is growth above ground and night time is growth under ground, not 100% accurate but IMO roots do better with some sleep
When discussing this, rather than equating plants with humans and using terms like sleep and rest I think a better analogy would be cooking.

Yes, cooking. The chemical processes that takes place in say, cooking a Vegetable soup. For the Soup to cook infrared radiation is absorbed by the cells within the veg pot. A sort of metabolic process takes place with the exchange of sugars and in a given time the soup is done. You turn the stove off, the chemical process continues at least until the soup goes cold.

Now with a living plant it gets IR from our HID lighting. We turn them off,the metabolic process continues because it has plenty of sugars still stored with its cells.
Years ago in college bio class (or maybe it was Earth Science, I forget) I was taught that root development is greatest during the day while steam & leaf development was greater at night.
Years ago in college bio class (or maybe it was Earth Science, I forget) I was taught that root development is greatest during the day while steam & leaf development was greater at night.

its not going to be the same across the botanical world. Some plants don't even have roots but gather their nutrients from the air and rain, epiphytic plants for example.

Other plants grow underground all the time and a great many under our oceans.
Ty for the many replies. I pretty much think that it's a big controversy. Personally I've previously followed Cervantes' grow Bible which says during day things are stored for nighttime processes. So basically that guy was just flapping his gums. I will rep I guys up when I get to a cpu
in general daytime is growth above ground and night time is growth under ground, not 100% accurate but IMO roots do better with some sleep

Though I can't speak to root growth as it is beyond my ability to actually inspect growth of anything below the soil, I found exactly the opposite is true. Measuring the plants at dawn and dusk I found that above ground growth was slow during daylight hours and quicker during dark hours. Especially during the flowering "stretch" or "push" I would see 1-2cm during daylight and 2-4cm overnight.
Both.... im not not going to find some page on the interweb to prove my self. But heres what you can do... measure your plant in the morning then again before you go to bed. See if it has grown. then you measure it again the next morning and compare to the previous measurement. And walla!
Gee thankx.
some people say 'plants need rest' but plants need light more. If plants grew better in the dark , hortilux would be out of business and too. maybe its a serious question but come on. for further proof plants need light open the window and look outside. It really is a question about light schedules, but the wording is confusing.
no not asking about light schedules. i am asking if plants grow more during dark hours or daylight. and to be more specific, vegetative plants.
One slightly off topic thing;

I have noticed from my own experiences and then backed up with reading, that the early stages in root or branch development the cells are differentiated. That is to say they are the plant equivalent to human stem cells.

An early root has the ability to turn into a branch (Ive seen this) and an early branch can turn into a root (seen this too).... Ive also seen them revert back again.... Its just a case of whether the cells at the tip of early root or branch detects light or not.
I have concluded basically that while you are growing the plants big -vegetating basically more light is better . green crack is different than og kush , those two are flowering outdoors already, LA confidential is just starting to. GC and OG flower fine with 12/12 but LA flowered a little better with 13 or 14 hours of dark, for me. 16/8 is a weird schedule but might help transition to flowering. 18/6 is working fine now for me.
20/4 or 24/0 if you are in a hurry but you would water more often .
so different schedules for indica vs sativa maybe. the light is almost the easy part compared to watering , watering by hand can teach you about each strain but you might wind up hauling buckets of water around everyday- changing a reservoir each week if not.
so you could say there is almost never a reason to give them less than 12 hours of light per day, they might ripen a little faster but sacrificing yield