you have to pay $13.50 to vote in pennsylvania

It aint a question of money
My grandmother isnt rich
It's a question of getting her birth certificate changed
Hers says she is a boy
Something her non english speaking parents overlooked 90 years ago in texas

In order for her to get one of those super ID cards she needs a valid birth certificate
No state is going to issue her a State ID since her birth certificate
1 lists her as a boy
2 list her maiden name

Think she should take the time and spend the money to fly from wisconsin to texas and petition the court to have her birth certificate changed so she can get an ID and vote this year?

If the feds can come in your house and take you away, then BY GOD they could mail her a ID. much easier.
It aint a question of money
My grandmother isnt rich
It's a question of getting her birth certificate changed
Hers says she is a boy
Something her non english speaking parents overlooked 90 years ago in texas

In order for her to get one of those super ID cards she needs a valid birth certificate
No state is going to issue her a State ID since her birth certificate
1 lists her as a boy
2 list her maiden name

Think she should take the time and spend the money to fly from wisconsin to texas and petition the court to have her birth certificate changed so she can get an ID and vote this year?

I went without photo id for 2 years when my wallet was stolen and the patriot act requirements - I needed my discharge papers from the military to get a photo ID ,it took them 2 years to send it to me. I had the VFW, American Legion, Paralyzed Veterans Association helping me and the VA just were too I don't care to send it.
if one or all of them think a "happy coincidence" would be less Democratic voters, that's their opinion.

that's actually verifiable fact, not opinion. not that a republican like yourself knows the difference between the two

requiring proof of the RIGHT to vote, does not take away that right.

but requiring a citizen to pay money to the government in order to obtain an ID and thus be eligible to vote is unconstitutional. see the 24th amendment. then note the title of this thread, neckbeard.

[h=1]"you have to pay $13.50 to vote in pennsylvania"[/h]
If the feds can come in your house and take you away, then BY GOD they could mail her a ID. much easier.

Oh gee I am wrong
My grandmother really doesnt need to go to port arthur texas to fix a 90 year old mistake
She can do this
I need to correct a birth certificate or death certificate. The name is misspelled. How can I correct it?
You must have an older relative complete and sign a VS170 Application to Amend Certificate of Birth (pdf 58K) or a VS172 Application to Amend Certificate of Death (pdf 45K) in front of a notary public. If you are a minor, both of your parents must sign the form before a notary public to show they are in agreement to the change or correction.

Some changes or corrections require a supporting document to prove that an error has been made. See page two of the application for a list of corrections that can be made and whether the correction requires documentation. A suggested list of supporting documents is also printed on page two of the application.

There is a fee of $15 to file the amendment (correction) and an additional fee of $22 for a certified copy of the birth certificate once it is corrected. Send the completed application, along with the required documentation (if any) and the correct fee, to our office at:
Texas Vital Statistics
Department of State Health Services
P.O. Box 12040
Austin, TX 78711-2040​
A specialist trained in parentage issues will review your application. However, we cannot file the new application until all aspects of your application have been reviewed. If filing is not possible, Texas Vital Statistics will send you a letter explaining the situation.

So All my 90 year old grandmother needs to do is have an older relative vouch for her

Thats easy
They all reside in cemetarys around the chicago area
Why don't you list all the people that can't afford an ID?

why don't you list where in the constitution it says you must be able to afford an ID to vote.

i can show you where in the constitution you are not allowed to require any payment to vote.
But nearly all of them already have an ID, I know lots of poor people and they all have ID.

number one, LOL.

number two, there are 758,000 registered voters in PA who are not on the PennDOT list as having proper ID to vote.

758,000 people eligible to vote but unable unless they pay money to the state first.

defend that.

voter ID - which will allow governor romney to win pennsylvania - done. - house republican leader purzai

Are you going to cry? 74% of American agree that everyone should show a government picture ID to vote, SCOTUS is ok with voter ID laws. Suck it up boys, its how its going to be.
Here is a perfect example of a weak mind responding to a point he can't counter. You forgot to post a funny jpeg or say Fox News... ooh ooh ooh, even better, call him a racist.

it's actually an example of exasperation.

chesus and the rest of us have been ceaselessly requesting proof of this widespread in person voter fraud you guys are swearing exists, and not only do we get no evidence of widespread in person voter fraud, we get exaggerated tales of how bad it is! with ZERO evidence!

i mean, if you want to stop 758,000 pennsylvanians from voting, you have to show some proof of how widespread the problem you're solving is. right now we have none. that number, zero, comes from the very people litigating in favor of this poll tax in PA.
Are you going to cry? 74% of American agree that everyone should show a government picture ID to vote, SCOTUS is ok with voter ID laws. Suck it up boys, its how its going to be.

voter ID is fine, needing to pay money to the state in order to be eligible to vote is not.

there was a time when a majority of americans favored banning interracial marriage, what's your point, sock puppet bitch?
The frosting on the cake is the Rumsfeld defense

"absence of evidence is not evidence of absence"

Most fucking retarded argument a person of any persuasion can make
and that is all the Fright wing has
That is until they start coming out of the closet and admitting it is about voter suppression
Which they have been doing
Fla. Republican: We wanted to suppress black votes [h=2]Florida's disgraced former GOP chairman says the party had meetings about "keeping blacks from voting"[/h]By Alex Seitz-Wald
voter ID is fine, needing to pay money to the state in order to be eligible to vote is not.

there was a time when a majority of americans favored banning interracial marriage, what's your point, sock puppet bitch?

Oh so now you're saying you, Chesus, and Canndo are living 50 years in the future. I see, very nice example.
Oh so now you're saying you, Chesus, and Canndo are living 50 years in the future. I see, very nice example.

what i'm saying is that your argument about majority opinion is pointless if you can't defend the practice of making people pay money in order to be eligible to vote.

you sock puppet gaylord.
Oh gee I am wrong
My grandmother really doesnt need to go to port arthur texas to fix a 90 year old mistake
She can do this
I need to correct a birth certificate or death certificate. The name is misspelled. How can I correct it?
You must have an older relative complete and sign a VS170 Application to Amend Certificate of Birth (pdf 58K) or a VS172 Application to Amend Certificate of Death (pdf 45K) in front of a notary public. If you are a minor, both of your parents must sign the form before a notary public to show they are in agreement to the change or correction.

Some changes or corrections require a supporting document to prove that an error has been made. See page two of the application for a list of corrections that can be made and whether the correction requires documentation. A suggested list of supporting documents is also printed on page two of the application.

There is a fee of $15 to file the amendment (correction) and an additional fee of $22 for a certified copy of the birth certificate once it is corrected. Send the completed application, along with the required documentation (if any) and the correct fee, to our office at:
Texas Vital Statistics
Department of State Health Services
P.O. Box 12040
Austin, TX 78711-2040​
A specialist trained in parentage issues will review your application. However, we cannot file the new application until all aspects of your application have been reviewed. If filing is not possible, Texas Vital Statistics will send you a letter explaining the situation.

So All my 90 year old grandmother needs to do is have an older relative vouch for her

Thats easy
They all reside in cemetarys around the chicago area

I was going to "like" but it could be construed the wrong way.

Thats just not right.
that's actually verifiable fact, not opinion. not that a republican like yourself knows the difference between the two

but requiring a citizen to pay money to the government in order to obtain an ID and thus be eligible to vote is unconstitutional. see the 24th amendment. then note the title of this thread, neckbeard.

[h=1]"you have to pay $13.50 to vote in pennsylvania"[/h]

Did somebody hack my voter registration and make me a Republican? Guess I'll have to take care of that.

You also have to have clothing to vote, public indecency laws and all. I don't hear you bitching about the dozens of nudists that will be burdened and how the cost of the "required" clothing violates the 24th amendment.

It would only be a poll tax if you had to buy a specific Voter ID card, not provide a valid ID that has many other purposes.
If I don't agree with it, if it doesn't comport with my world view, it must be a lie right Red? Show me some of those non-lying sources that prove that Sanchez, JFK and Franken were elected through voter fraud (and not election fraud - an entirely different thing). How is fewer voting days designed to increase voter turn out? during the 08 election lines were hundreds of yards long. The change in days and hours decreased the lenght of those lines and fewer people didn't simply leave in disgust - that change was in '10. Now you are claiming that closing the polls sundays will increase turnout? You are claiming that another adjustment which decreases the days will improve things? How. Voters who don't have Id cannot "easily aquire them" as there are few places where they can obtain them, requirements for suporting documentation necessitates even more travel or more correspondence and many times that supporting documenation is impossible to get at all. You seem to believe that the old can easily just jump in their cars and go where they need to in order to get that ID. Now, in PA (I believe) many voters - voters who have used their present ID for years, will no longer be able to use that ID and many of them don't even know that yet. They will be turned away - how exactly will that increase turnout? You are proposing even more, that the lazy and the irresponsible are not entitled to vote and there should be some sort of test established, an obstacle course set up to winnow out those who don't really want to vote. This is not how america operates. It is supposed to be easy to vote. Because you can't imagine how anyone can function in a modern society without ID has no relevence. That others have different situations than you is not a reason to deprive them of their chance to vote. You still have not managed to show us this massive voter fraud that we should all be guarding against, even at the cost of legitimate voters rights.
A lie is a lie, whether I agree with it or not. Just because you agree with it doesn't make it true. Which lie are you referring too, anyway? You would disregard anything I posted as biased so use that shiny new computer you see in front of you and Google it yourself. Fewer days but longer hours makes it easier for those with jobs get to the poll while it is still open. Stating only half the story was dishonest. Even if you disagree, why would this disproportionally affect "Democrat leaning voters"? I could make a fair argument that this would affect Republicans more. Keeping polls open on Sundays in order to allow Afro-American preachers to exhort parishioners to go vote is mixing politics with religion, which is something Democrats supposedly are against, except win it suits their purpose. I can get YOUR birth certificate by mail. A car is not needed, or even practical. Community Services will come to their door, assist them to the DMV or wherever they need to go to get their ID. Free of charge. Apparently, you've never taken care of an elderly person. Pa voters, I believe, can still make a provisional vote, they are not turned away. I proposed no test or "obstacle course". Saying I did is dishonest. I said those too lazy to get ID are unlikely to be voters. Don't get all holier-than-thou on me. Especially while purposely distorting my statements. "how anyone can function in a modern society without ID" was just an observation. I'm not depriving anyone their chance to vote. It's their own action or inaction that does. Once again, you blather about "massive voter fraud". There is no such requirement for it. That's your standard. We don't have to meet your standard. No legitimate voter is losing his rights. You keep trying to define the issue by your standards. Your standards are irrelevant. The Supreme Court's standards have been met, and that ends the issue. We'll just have to agree to disagree. I'm going to get a buzz going, so I think I'll drop out of this debate. It's obvious that nobody's going to change their mind anyway.
Did somebody hack my voter registration and make me a Republican? Guess I'll have to take care of that.

You also have to have clothing to vote, public indecency laws and all. I don't hear you bitching about the dozens of nudists that will be burdened and how the cost of the "required" clothing violates the 24th amendment.

It would only be a poll tax if you had to buy a specific Voter ID card, not provide a valid ID that has many other purposes.

lol, you calling yourself an independent is a joke. never met an independent that want to abolish the social safety net.

you don't have to pay money for clothes, they give them away for free if you need them. stupid argument. and you don't have to pay money to the government to get clothes.

to get the card that makes you eligible to vote, however, you do have to pay money directly to the government so that you can be eligible to vote.

defend having to pay money directly to the government in order to be eligible to vote.