The sacred cacti: peyote

Chief Widow

Hello all I was wondering if anyone knows of a good site or place to order peyote seeds from that will ship to the states, even states not protected by law for religious proposes.

I have some direct experiences with other sacred cacti such as the San Pedro and close cousins to it, but never any with the peyote. Which some consider to be the most sacred of them all. I have read about the growing conditions of this cacti so I do believe I could grow it right, and I also understand that it is a very slow growing cacti unlike the San pedro, but I can be patient and wait for the great spirit to grow from within. So if anyone has any experience or knowledge on this great ethnogen please feel free to post, you don't have to answer the question I was just wanting some good info and knowledge on this subject.

Thank you to everyone who posts in advance.

Chief Widow


Well-Known Member
It's apparently not that hard to grow, it just takes years to mature. So it really depends on how patient you are.


Active Member
If you're goal is to obtain mescaline, there's no reason to grow peyote as it's illegal unless you are in the Native American church, while San Pedro is mescaline bearing and, incredibly, is legal as long as grown for ornamental reasons only (nod nod wink wink) and grows many times faster. There's an online shopping site named after a rain forest in south america that sells San Pedro cutting cheap.

Chief Widow

I am aware that there is other sources to obtain mescaline. That is not really my intentions because i already have a few San Pedros and Peruvian Torches if I needed a source of mescaline. I was just wanting to add some peyote to my collection of sacred plants because of their traditional use with the Natives and because of the ever growing endangerment of this sacrament. I would like to make sure it is available for future generations, and to have some direct experiences with it myself.


Active Member
I am aware that there is other sources to obtain mescaline. That is not really my intentions because i already have a few San Pedros and Peruvian Torches if I needed a source of mescaline. I was just wanting to add some peyote to my collection of sacred plants because of their traditional use with the Natives and because of the ever growing endangerment of this sacrament. I would like to make sure it is available for future generations, and to have some direct experiences with it myself.
Ok, cool. I just did a Google search and it looks like the seeds are easy to obtain.

Maybe you could favor us with your thoughts on the Mescaline experience from the perspective of a native. How do you prepare yourself physically and mentally? Do you use a sweat lodge? What do you think about during the experience? If it's too personal or none of my beeswax I understand. :)

Chief Widow

Oh I am sorry to give anyone the wrong impression, but sadly I am not a full native or directly linked to them in anyway. I can't even say I'm a quarter native I have very little any me. I do think they are great people and I wish my fellow white men in the past could of been a little more open minded to there way of life and thinking. Instead of killing them and there food sources, then rapping the land to the extremes we have today, but you can't change what's happened. I think they are way more advanced then us in a different degree. They were and still are way more in tune with nature and mother earth then we will ever be. I do one day plan to travel to a reservation and see if they would be open to me living among them for some time. I believe I could learn a great amount of knowledge from them, and I would love to partake in some of the sacraments in a traditional setting.

Mescaline is a very beautiful compound though. You do have to be very prepared and cautious with it. It is way more intense then most psychedelics, probably the only thing more intense is Ayahuasca the DMT brew. Mescaline is very slow to take effect and last a great amount of time. So preparation is the key to a successful experience. With that being said I usually prepare by eating a big brunch the day before and then fasting till the experience is over. Sometimes I even detox the system weeks before hand if I already know I'm going to be partaking in a sacrament. You can detox with minerals like zeolite and other products. The point is to try to get the body as clean and pure as possible before the journey. Well after I have brunch I tend to try and make the day as peaceful and positive as can be. Good ideas for this would be to enjoy the day by fishing, sharing the day with a loved one, take a long walk through the woods, or many other things just try to spend it out doors and get lots of fresh air. Depending on when your going to take it evening or morning just make sure you always get good rest before hand 8 or more hours of sleep. I always try and have some good bud with me while the experience is going on because if things start to go bad during the trip it can really help calm you down. Another good idea is melatonin because if all else fails you can completely abort the trip by taking a few and sleeping it off. I always advise a sober sitter I mean they can smoke some bud with you if there an experienced stoner but other then that please no other substances. Make sure they are also very familiar with you and how you like things. I would advise a long time best friend or an open minded family member. These are the best ways to prepare in my own experience with such powerful substances. Durning the trip it's self I either spend the time in a safe place in nature a way from any unwanted distractions or in a safe dark and comfortable room. I usually try and meditate any more will I'm am tripping you can really feel a great deal of energy flowing through the body. Try and focus the energy in one of the upper chakras and you may release the Kundalini resting at the base of your spin. If your having a hard time focusing while meditating it's best to just do other things you want. Ask questions you've been wanting to figure out about life or just listen to some relaxing music. Just make it as calm and relaxing as possible that's when most have the greatest experiences and break throughs on these great tools of the mind. :-P

Hope this clears the air for everyone and helps. If anyone has anymore questions about adventuring into the world of these mind expanding substances feel free to ask.

Chief Widow

P.S.- And to Shemp and anyone else I'm sorry for giving you the wrong impression.


Well-Known Member
One day we'll have to walk the red path or die. Sadly I think humanity as a whole will probably choose death.

Trippy Mayne

New Member
Nieghbors knocking on my door askin me please turn it down
I said "Maam there ain't no music on"
She said "No that weed is loud."