U.S. Incomes Fell More in Recovery, Sentier Says


Well-Known Member
I would of never thought Higher unemployment caused by a recession would have any adverse effect upon average income of all americans

What a amazing bit of info


Well-Known Member
reported as spam.

rollindud, are you utterly incapable of original thought, or is it just that when you do speak your mind, you call all illegal immigrants "mexicans" and declare that you deserve more rights than gay people?


Well-Known Member
reported as spam.

rollindud, are you utterly incapable of original thought, or is it just that when you do speak your mind, you call all illegal immigrants "mexicans" and declare that you deserve more rights than gay people?
Whatever buck we have to endure chesuses shit which is the same. Yourself have been dipping in the copy and paste spam.


Well-Known Member
with more potential employees competing for a smaller number of jobs, it is easier for employers to offer lower pay and less benefits. common sense is lost on you.
add our personal debit crack habit to the cause. Most people are so far in debt they can't miss more than a check or two. This leads us to accepting less because financially we have no choice. And now that we are making less but shit costs more we borrow MORE money to maintain the lifestyle we are "entitled" to. Screw sacrifices. The further in debt we get, the less power we have at the negotiating table further skewing the income gap.

Our country has the flu and we are trying to cure it with candy.


Well-Known Member
Thats when bucky's eye start watering, drool starts dripping, and starts gagging like he's about to puke, you gotta give him air or he loses efficiency, oh wait you're talking about another recovery.
The job market is so tough
I can prove it if you give me a zipcode of a city within hundred miles of you
Why wont you do that?


Well-Known Member
add our personal debit crack habit to the cause. Most people are so far in debt they can't miss more than a check or two. This leads us to accepting less because financially we have no choice. And now that we are making less but shit costs more we borrow MORE money to maintain the lifestyle we are "entitled" to. Screw sacrifices. The further in debt we get, the less power we have at the negotiating table further skewing the income gap.

Our country has the flu and we are trying to cure it with candy.
Well, to be that far into debt you have to buy alot of shit you cannot pay for...

You keep treating people like victims and they will continue to be victims.


Well-Known Member
Damn the recovery is coming just give obama another stimlious and with all the illegals getting a free education they will be willing to work for half of what Americans will work for. Go obama destroy the rest of the country.


Well-Known Member
The economy is toast because of immigrants and women in the work place and globalisation and robots- were screwed, the economy is not going to come back. Most people don't do real work and in order to build a better economy everyone needs to be doing real work.


Well-Known Member
add our personal debit crack habit to the cause. Most people are so far in debt they can't miss more than a check or two. This leads us to accepting less because financially we have no choice. And now that we are making less but shit costs more we borrow MORE money to maintain the lifestyle we are "entitled" to. Screw sacrifices. The further in debt we get, the less power we have at the negotiating table further skewing the income gap.

Our country has the flu and we are trying to cure it with candy.

Want to examine that personal debt there gin? The right loves to come out and say that individuals in the U.S. are irresponsible and that it is no one's fault but their own that they are all in debt (actually personal debt has fallen in the last few years - that kind of thing happens when people are worried about the economy and their own jobs).

But consider that wages have been flat for several decades, corresponding not incidentaly in my opinion, to implementation of supply side economics. But corporations need ever increasing volumes of purchases so consumers need to be given ever more available if not cheaper credit in order for them to continue to buy. The economy depends upon those people who can't miss one payment. On the one hand they are held up to ridicule but all the while corporations are encouraging them to purchase, offering them the credit to do so and actually betting their bottom line on the very personal consumerism that is held in such distain.

Talk about candy. This situation is akin to locking a man in a room filled with it, not bringing him meals and then mocking him because his teeth are rotting out.


Well-Known Member
Cando you act as if people have no choice but to buy that flat screen at rent to own. I was taught at an early age to keep 6 months worth of wages in a rainy day fund in case something happened like losing a job. (wish I had listened, my rainy day fund is hoping for a drought). This allows me a bit more power in negotiating salaries. I don't HAVE to settle. If i had to take two min wage jobs to feed my family I would and the mean would drop a little bit more.

We are creditards in this country. People buy everything on payments without considering the true cost. I feel empathy for those that end up in the credit trap but not sympathy.


Well-Known Member
Cando you act as if people have no choice but to buy that flat screen at rent to own. I was taught at an early age to keep 6 months worth of wages in a rainy day fund in case something happened like losing a job. (wish I had listened, my rainy day fund is hoping for a drought). This allows me a bit more power in negotiating salaries. I don't HAVE to settle. If i had to take two min wage jobs to feed my family I would and the mean would drop a little bit more.

We are creditards in this country. People buy everything on payments without considering the true cost. I feel empathy for those that end up in the credit trap but not sympathy.
Oh man
I tell you some people are just stupid
I remember when i was first went out on my own making just above minimum wage
How easy it was to save up 6 months of wages
It got even easier when I started a family and the wife wasnt working <--sarcasm


Well-Known Member
The job market is so tough
I can prove it if you give me a zipcode of a city within hundred miles of you
Why wont you do that?

Which of course leads to the question, why arent these unemployed people applying for these jobs?
How could they possibly be managing to live without getting a job if they are unemployed and jobs are available?

Give a man a fish and he will sit on his ass and wait for you to give him a fish every single day....
Make a man go hungry and he will go catch those damned fish himself.


Well-Known Member
Which of course leads to the question, why arent these unemployed people applying for these jobs?
How could they possibly be managing to live without getting a job if they are unemployed and jobs are available?

Give a man a fish and he will sit on his ass and wait for you to give him a fish every single day....
Make a man go hungry and he will go catch those damned fish himself.
I was all for extending unemployment benefits
But now I think in some cases it was a mistake
When i got laid off 3 years ago I got a job within a week
But it paid almost 33% less
It actually paid me 80 bucks a week more than i would make in UC benefits
Every week I said Why in the fuck am I working I could be sitting at home picking up metal
That was until I went to an interview and a guy told me basically
He wouldnt hire people that were long term unemployed


Well-Known Member
Oh man
I tell you some people are just stupid
I remember when i was first went out on my own making just above minimum wage
How easy it was to save up 6 months of wages
It got even easier when I started a family and the wife wasnt working <--sarcasm

We have a tendency to live beyond our means in this country. That's the point I'm trying to make. This puts the individual in a spot of desperation when it comes to a job search and we end up being at the mercy of those we are indebted to. It's not a difficult concept.

Chezus at your age if you couldn't get half a years wages together liquid you have failed at life. At 20 it's a different story. A 20 year old is at a disadvantage, they haven't had time. If that 20 year old buys everything on payments he'll never get there.

Why you paying 2G for that TV when it's at Walmart for 599? "I'm not paying 2G, I'm paying 40 bucks a month". This is the mentality we need to teach away but it's also what drives our economy right now. It's a bad plan.