I Need Advice About A Threesome?

i like both options

*looks at the first option and is a little scared to be that bunny....*

Well yes that was exactly what I had in mind only better. :hump::clap:

But wait a minute.:roll:

Now in this story I end in sounding really butch:?:roll: ummm.....I mean I can go with this out of character stuff but only to a certain point.
Next thing you will be suggesting a nose ring or something. Ewwww.:twisted:

A riding crop is like those little whips that horse riders use. But lol, no, the outfit I'm picturing is SOOOO not butch....watch, I'll post a pic of what I'M thinkin....

Like most all men out there, I like the idea of 2 women together, watching 2 women together, etc... But isn't it really just a great appetizer in anticipation for the "MAIN" course???

I have a good friend and she has confessed to doing many things (including the WW thing) and that is how she feels.

It's like having "surf" without the "turf". LOL...

Are you suggesting that women couldn't have fun without a man? lol, cuz I think me and Lacy could have plenty of fun on our own....

EDIT: Ok, maybe not EXACTLY that outfit...but something along those lines. I'm thinking dominatrix, not butch...Oh, and THAT'S a riding crop, in her hand.


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*looks at the first option and is a little scared to be that bunny....*

A riding crop is like those little whips that horse riders use. But lol, no, the outfit I'm picturing is SOOOO not butch....watch, I'll post a pic of what I'M thinkin....

Are you suggesting that women couldn't have fun without a man? lol, cuz I think me and Lacy could have plenty of fun on our own....

EDIT: Ok, maybe not EXACTLY that outfit...but something along those lines. I'm thinking dominatrix, not butch...Oh, and THAT'S a riding crop, in her hand.

That picture is pretty HOT.... Okay, what was I thinking??? Oh yes, I am sure two women can have extreme levels of fun. The BIG question is, will you feel completely satisfied when you are done or will you be craving something else...?

Obviously this is just my attempt to stick up for the guys out there.
*looks at the first option and is a little scared to be that bunny....*

A riding crop is like those little whips that horse riders use. But lol, no, the outfit I'm picturing is SOOOO not butch....watch, I'll post a pic of what I'M thinkin....
Oh thank gawd 'cause I'm really not into the butch scene.:roll:

Are you suggesting that women couldn't have fun without a man? lol, cuz I think me and Lacy could have plenty of fun on our own....Well yeahhhhhhhh:hump:

EDIT: Ok, maybe not EXACTLY that outfit...but something along those lines. I'm thinking dominatrix, not butch...Oh, and THAT'S a riding crop, in her hand.
Well the dominatrix thing I like a LOT with a little whip. ok ok go on. :mrgreen:

That picture is pretty HOT.... Okay, what was I thinking??? Oh yes, I am sure two women can have extreme levels of fun. The BIG question is, will you feel completely satisfied when you are done or will you be craving something else...?

Obviously this is just my attempt to stick up for the guys out there.
Ok no but he has a point. That is what is so wonderful about a threesome because you can have foreplay for hours and then...um...:roll:..stick up for the guys.....hahahaha.....yep:)

Yeah by the end of ....you definitely want some of that.:roll::twisted:
There I said it. :-|

Ok we love you men too.:mrgreen:
Did they ever doubt it? Have I ever not made my love and appreciation for the male sex widely known? I mean, I love them so much I envy them for their penises!
You and your penis envy. :?

Ok I admit to having it too. :cry:

but but :roll: gee I don't know what to say now. :-|
Did they ever doubt it? Have I ever not made my love and appreciation for the male sex widely known? I mean, I love them so much I envy them for their penises!
fdd has a little too much attitude sometimes. Seriously, he scares me. And yeah, I saw that pic of CALI lookin at us from behind that big GUN...jesus, maybe I should be more afraid of CALI. At least the only gun I've ever seen fdd holding was a smiley gun...
fdd has a little too much attitude sometimes. Seriously, he scares me. yeahhh....Mr. fdd does have a lot of attitude but I like ballsy people. :mrgreen: He scares me too sometimes :?And yeah, I saw that pic of CALI lookin at us from behind that big GUN...jesus, maybe I should be more afraid of CALI. At least the only gun I've ever seen fdd holding was a smiley gun..a smiley gun huh?? Is that what you call it;) lmao.[/quote]

Thats ok. I think we scared cali off. haha. :mrgreen:
Well exactly. I figure that if people don;t know I am joking around then to h*ll with them.:? I find it a good outlet and a great source of humour and entertainment.

I wouldn't actually do anything like this now. :-| Except perhaps riding the bikes in that dominatrix get-up :hump: with you on the bike in your mini shirt. :mrgreen:I mean :roll: other than that was the big deal. :lol::clap: Haha!

No but seriously my threesome experiences were pre-hubby.(that I had a choice in that is :()
He knows I like women but we don't get freaky like that in real life. :-|
My GAWD wikid. Can you imagine if people thought we were serious about all of this???:confused:

:o :shock: Ok that wouldn't be so funny any more. :?
lol, well, it's good to know who scares off easy, because we joke around here a lot, but it's nothing compared to real life....
Hm. My only suggestion about the 3some thing is...jokingly say infront of them both "So...are we ever gonna have a 3some??" like get to talkin about it somehow with both of them around, see their reactions about the subject, then if they seem positive about the idea then jokingly throw that in. If they are all like "what? huh?" and you get a weird vibe then just be like "I was JOKING sheesh" or something similar but if they start getting kinda serious...in a GOOD way about it, go with the flow of the convo(oh damn Im rhyming haha).

But I have to admit, I somewhat understand where your coming from. See, I'd be interested in a 3some sometime if I knew and trusted the people, but I never get in the situation hardly where I want to screw both people haha. Either im not comfortable enough with one, or cant see them in that way, but even if I was, and could, Im pretty sure it would be REALLY hard to actually come out and suggest something like that if I didnt know how they really felt!
Lacy - Yeah, lol, I'm totally joking....usually....

BudMother - lol, that's actually a damn good suggestion! Because I joke around all the time. Like, that couple has actually commented on it. I say a lot of shit, and then immediately say "I'm just kidding" or "not really, but still...." But yeah, that's a good idea, I should have thought of that.
Lacy - Yeah, lol, I'm totally joking....usually....

BudMother - lol, that's actually a damn good suggestion! Because I joke around all the time. Like, that couple has actually commented on it. I say a lot of shit, and then immediately say "I'm just kidding" or "not really, but still...." But yeah, that's a good idea, I should have thought of that.

haha coolness. I just want to say good luck, I hope things work out for ya ;)
Hey,, The act of love can be a very spiritual act and very gratifying to all concerned, just make sure of the ground rules first! Will the act endanger the relationship, will it fuck you up in the friendship, can you let yourself go with a member of the same sex, the list IS endless. as a VERY long time swinger, I suggest talking to the couple togeather frankly and then if it still feels good,,, DO IT!