
Well-Known Member
hahahahaha at staysafe<3

and hom36rown....what exactly is your avatar supposed to mean?? please explain.
if you ever read this.
It represents the illuminati, a secret society that pretty much manipulates the entire world...they control the global economy, start wars, and were even behind 9/11. There is a similar symbol on the back of the dollar bill with the latin words for "A New World Order" which is their ultimate goal...this movie explains it better...there is all sorts of information on them on the internet.

Zeitgeist - The Movie skip to 40:00 minutes in


Well-Known Member
It represents the illuminati, a secret society that pretty much manipulates the entire world...they control the global economy, start wars, and were even behind 9/11. There is a similar symbol on the back of the dollar bill with the latin words for "A New World Order" which is their ultimate goal...this movie explains it better...there is all sorts of information on them on the internet.

Zeitgeist - The Movie skip to 40:00 minutes in

JUST THE ANSWER I WAS LOOKING FORR!!! <3!!! that blows my mind you're awesome.


Well-Known Member
It represents the illuminati, a secret society that pretty much manipulates the entire world...they control the global economy, start wars, and were even behind 9/11. There is a similar symbol on the back of the dollar bill with the latin words for "A New World Order" which is their ultimate goal...this movie explains it better...there is all sorts of information on them on the internet.

Zeitgeist - The Movie skip to 40:00 minutes in

not really much of a secret when the whole internet knows. :-?


Well-Known Member
EVERYONE knows what that symbol means, I mean jesus. When I was like 12 I found some little note that asked why that symbol is on the back of our money, and it refered you to bible passages and shit...

but yeah, lol, fdd makes a good point about the whole secret thing

"And don't forget to tell everyone it's a secret!"