Help..just harvested and noticed bugs


At first I thought it was Trichomes and then snapped a pic and zoomed in only to my horror to see these tiny little white things crawling around. The white ones resemble the shape of a piece of rice, what are they and what can i do now that i did not catch them pre harvest. They are on every single part of the buds, leaves, everywhere!!!! There were also some cream/light brown looking ones as well that were more round than the white ones.

is my bud finished? can i spray it with something...PLEASE HELP ME, I dont want to loose any of this after all the time i put into this.


Well-Known Member
LOL Spider mites are fun to have, good luck buddy!

There are opinions if you can smoke that bud or not. If you have webbing I would avoid it


Active Member
spider mites only like living plant matter so they should move out soon if you dont have your bud locked up tight


Well-Known Member
It is safe to wash them down with normal dish soap mixed lightly with water than hang them up to dry, the mites will die off or go away, rinse with light mist of water in two days and than dry and cure.

You will be fine. But no one with a scope is going to want that stuff but you can use it or butter up or something


Active Member
if you have just harvested, don't worry. Hang em up to dry and most mites will fall off. Sulphur bomb your grow space b4 you put a new grow on.


Well-Known Member
What about freezing them for a few hours?
you want as many of the to make it off the plant as possible although it really doesn't matter, if you've smoked for awhile there's just no telling what you've consumed and I would imagine spider mite would be one of the mild things. For future reference Mighty Wash by NPK industries as regular maintenance, I also recommend an airless paint sprayer to apply, deadly combo.


Well-Known Member
lets see that photo you were talking about, sounds like you have two different pests.


Well-Known Member
I don't know first hand but I've been told you can watch the spider mites parade up the stalk of a hanging plant as they are trying to leave. a little tanglefoot anywhere after that would probably get a lot of them.
if you have just harvested, don't worry. Hang em up to dry and most mites will fall off. Sulphur bomb your grow space b4 you put a new grow on.
they don't fall off, they will go Up to the top of the plant and start laying eggs, they will also crawl down your line into your carpet and find any plants nearby.
Here is how to tell what you have on your plants. Try to hang them on a metal wire,use tangle foot at each end of the is a gooey product that they can't get past. after a few hours, you can look thru a right where you made the chop. If you got mites, they will be running around the whole trunk and will be cruising down the wire. For some real fun, get out the bic and Kill them little bastards. They can't build a tolerance to Fire. I also like to use a atomizer with mighty wash to spray all plants and surrounding areas on a regular basis.


Well-Known Member
you use an atomist? I found those too harsh and busted out the airless paint sprayer, good stuff spraying the mighty wash.


Active Member
they don't fall off, they will go Up to the top of the plant and start laying eggs, they will also crawl down your line into your carpet and find any plants nearby.
Here is how to tell what you have on your plants. Try to hang them on a metal wire,use tangle foot at each end of the is a gooey product that they can't get past. after a few hours, you can look thru a right where you made the chop. If you got mites, they will be running around the whole trunk and will be cruising down the wire. For some real fun, get out the bic and Kill them little bastards. They can't build a tolerance to Fire. I also like to use a atomizer with mighty wash to spray all plants and surrounding areas on a regular basis.
Yes they will try to escape, my point is that by the end of drying the vast majority will be gone from your bud. Where they go and what you do about it is secondary. Been there and got the T-shirt, no complaints from any of my customers.


It is safe to wash them down with normal dish soap mixed lightly with water than hang them up to dry, the mites will die off or go away, rinse with light mist of water in two days and than dry and cure.

You will be fine. But no one with a scope is going to want that stuff but you can use it or butter up or something
Hi Chris, So what is a safe mixture of soap to water, a few drops in a regular windex size sprayer. Also will they continue to multiply if left to drop to the carpet? I am doing this in my closet and dont want to bomb my whole house in a few months.

Thank you
