Featured In High Times


Well-Known Member


Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member

My friend has had his pics featured in the magazine two times in the last year and oddly enough they were both veg shots lol. The first times was a shot of a strain called The Jeffrey that we grow and most recently was a shot of my AK-47 pheno, I'll see if I can dig up the pics.


Well-Known Member

My friend has had his pics featured in the magazine two times in the last year and oddly enough they were both veg shots lol. The first times was a shot of a strain called The Jeffrey that we grow and most recently was a shot of my AK-47 pheno, I'll see if I can dig up the pics.
So Thursday I was looking at your AK-47 picture. I have had a single pick n' mix of Serious Seeds White Russian. I went and got a six pack of Blue Moon and planted it. You planted a seed of planting seeds, and I'll drink to that!