Looks like the Fight will continue...


Active Member
Stalin, Hitler, Kim Jong Il

Some municipalities don't even know the winners... Mesa is one of them for sure...
Lots of the cities also have issued use permits (good for a year) prior to the lottery so there is no way to delineate which applicants are winners. I don't doubt some have contacted their city officials but many are still staying below the radar because of Monte and Horne.
That was my understanding... Sounds tedious either way , but hey, now we can all talk shit on elements!


Well-Known Member
The judge will uphold the ruling on zoning from the county. Probably will not address federal preemption or the supremecy clause just as is the precedent. Above all this is a political stunt to make news and distract the public from their shitty economic situation. Horne and Monte are just implementing the will of our psychotic governor whom is not up for a vote.


Active Member
I am suprised that they would go against a general vote, I mean if the majority said ok than why would you risk not being re elected by the same maj by going against them? Makes no sense to me at all.
Fishy to me!

That was my understanding... Sounds tedious either way , but hey, now we can all talk shit on elements!
Join the Band Wagon.... If my authorization to cultivate is taken it would be because of Elements!!

They are the nearest soon-to-be dispensary to me!! I see - Arizona Patients V. Elements, AzDHS, & State of Arizona


Active Member
I read 13 out of 15 counties DAs and Sheriffs wrote the gov asking her to halt the AMMA and keep the dispensaries from opening... does anyone know which 2 counties were the ones that didn't?