super lemon haze scrog uvb monster


Well-Known Member
ive had some screwy grows....i had a sour cream 4 weeks into flower and it went to shit.....
that sux... she is my experiment... and was a transplant that was just about done with veg... worst case.. i could get another clone from my mom.. and start her straight away in the bucket.. with added drainage holes.. to help..


Well-Known Member
I know..a week ago she was a beast a matter of days.. it was bad drainage.. her roots clogged up the drainage holes to the bottom..

If You Get a Waterfarm Drill EXTRA holes in the bottom!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I know..a week ago she was a beast a matter of days.. it was bad drainage.. her roots clogged up the drainage holes to the bottom..

If You Get a Waterfarm Drill EXTRA holes in the bottom!!!!!
Did you check for slime or algae in the water? Do you use any beneficial bacteria or compost tea in your reservoir?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Yeah it's heartbreaking.. but I keeping the hope alive ...
ah dude, my heart breaks for you, such a small mistake its not fair to be punished like that...

hows she looking now, any sign of improvement? have you any chance of saveing her, would a trim help remove toxin`s or is it beyond!!!


Well-Known Member
try stop givin it nitrogen all together and make it do the autumn effect, it might shock itself and fix w/e the fucks goin on. maybe less watering too. Make believe it is going through a couple natural disasters and try and mock what would happen nature (
ACE - Autumn Colour Effect (idk if this is a true method)

probably the most common advanced growing technique that's not general practice amongst weed growers, would have to be the 'Autumn Colour Effect' or the 'ACE' technique, as I like to call it. This is where the Nitrogen is cut off from a flowering plant in mid to late flowering (depending on phenotype) so that the plant extracts all the remaining Nitrogen from it's leaves and puts it into the bud, this hugely reduces chlorophyll level in the plants leaves and buds by the time the plant is finished [which aids with good tasting, good burning weed] (cannabis, being an annual, does not require Nitrogen for the final leg of flowering, having to take it up, process it and motabilize it, hinders it's ability to put all its strength into the flowering process.To use the Autumn Colour Effect (ACE) to its full potential, you have to really know the pheno you're growing (having grown clones of it multiple times) so you know how long it takes to finish, what it likes/dislikes, what it can or can't handle etc.This is a common technique amongst elite growers (not the elite on this site that pay for that status, the true elite, like those who showed me it - and I was sus at first but they proved its benefits too me with out too much difficulty.Too do the ACE technique properly you have to grow Soiless or Hydro, or any other system where you have control over which nutrients the plants do or don't receive at which time during the grow.



Well-Known Member
Charge it to the game... Roots maaaaddd dark..

I was using sensyzime.. if I knew the signs of drowning icould of maybe saved her..
well ... I guess I will have a full waterfarm grow which should give me better yields


Well-Known Member
ah doc, tis a shame after all that work...

well ever the optimist, crack few more and start again.....;)
The anger made me clip about a dozen clones... And pot 7 others... One clone is my last SLH.. so.. I'm planning for her to successfully finish this thread...

The l.e.d wasn't powerful enough for my needs .. great for trich production... But the UVB 10.0 is the real deal... Hairs go crazy..and if you skim through I had crystal production fairly early I think... Check It out