They're bulkheads, you can use another type of fitting that's much cheaper...called a uniseal ... A nice way to incorporate fast drainage is by installing a out with a closure after your when you want to drain you close your flow to the system and open the out ...just have a hose ready to connect to where you want to drain toWhere did you get your under current pvc fittings at? Or did it all come in a kit?
If you know what the fittings are called that are needed please let me know! I would like to make a set up with fast drainage
In the pic that was a current culture set up that I built.. you can replicate for a fraction of the priceWhere did you get your under current pvc fittings at? Or did it all come in a kit?
If you know what the fittings are called that are needed please let me know! I would like to make a set up with fast drainage