neil armstrong has died at 82

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
Its not a forum at all if people start spamming the site with BS.

Spamming with lots of pictures of men in costume is just weird too but if it amuses you carry on.
It's buzz lightyear in a neil armstrong thread that was derailed by conspiracy theories. If that's considered weird to you, and you don't see the humor, then you are a fucking square. And if I wanted to post more, I would "carry on" whether you told me to or not. Thump easy has his fucking dick posted on here in a thread and that didn't get removed. And considering all the spam and bs that exists on this site, it seems to me the mods would be worried about other shit a little more, so lighten up. Carry on.


Well-Known Member
God damn i'm sick of having my pics removed. I didn't know this was a kindergarten forum.
It's buzz lightyear in a neil armstrong thread that was derailed by conspiracy theories. If that's considered weird to you, and you don't see the humor, then you are a fucking square. And if I wanted to post more, I would "carry on" whether you told me to or not. Thump easy has his fucking dick posted on here in a thread and that didn't get removed. And considering all the spam and bs that exists on this site, it seems to me the mods would be worried about other shit a little more, so lighten up. Carry on.



Well-Known Member
Who filmed them coming out the capsual why was the fag flutering in the wind and yet the footprints still sat there ????????

Just thought i would ask.

1 no one was there to film them yet there is film of them exiting the capsual.
2 the flag blowing in the wind yet there is no wind.
3 if there was wind how is his foot print still there

This is not a conspiracy these are facts.
Don't confuse sheeple with the facts. They are unwilling to acknowledge they have have been lied to by their government


Well-Known Member
No; not "the masses" ... it isn't a hard binary choice between believing it's a hoax or being a sheep.
The best thing to do is read up on aerospace engineering ... that's been something of a hobby of mine. The engineering and physics are universal and easily checked.
I would be interested in your source for a claim I'd never heard: that they did not have the technology to map the radiation belts. Prior to Apollo, there were many high-orbit and lunar (Ranger, Surveyor) missions that did just that.
I understand the circumstantial arguments about media and Cold War and and ... but I've seen Apollo hardware up close&personal, and gotten to speak with folks who worked the program. No flightline folks, unfortunately.
I believe that the Apollo flights did exactly what was claimed of them, and I can tell you I'm not easily taking anyone's word for it. A lifetime of amateur study of space and aerospace leads me to conclude that it did happen as promised and told. But to you, that can be no more than ... my opinion. cn

Then Richard Hoagland should not be a stranger to you. He's been blowing up NASA lies for decades. How did you miss him... programming perhaps?
Surely you read his book Dark Mission


Ursus marijanus

Then Richard Hoagland should not be a stranger to you. He's been blowing up NASA lies for decades. How did you miss him... programming perhaps?
Surely you read his book Dark Mission
I do not agree that Hoagland has been effectively "blowing up NASA". Imo he has rather more effectively been stepping on his, um, tie. He has more than one "theory" that places him outside the practices of sound inquiry. Pre-emptively tarring me with the brush of "programming" cannot conceal what a complete wingnut he was.
But attacking or defending Apollo on the character of the contestants is ultimately uninteresting. The physics and engineering are the thing, and it is up to better, more careful practitioners than Hoagland to mount a credible challenge to Apollo. If the deny-Apollo cult wants to get serious, they'll need someone who doesn't believe in (and evangelize about) ancient aliens, crackpot over-unity physics (complete with astrology), large alien structures on the Moon and Mars that nobody can finds, and possibly unicorns.
I contend that the charge of "programming" can be extended in both directions. It is my observation that the classic flotilla of conspiracy theories has much in common with other branches of pseudoscience and general credulity in supernatural forces of the most banal sorts. While originality in a minority or challenger hypothesis to the usual body of knowledge is not strictly necessary, it would make the claims less immediately incredible ... and it would allow that its adherents aren't buying into a remarkably uniform pack of ideas. Afaik they are all founded in a prejudicially negative reaction to the startling success of modern science (and its daughter, engineering) in killing the demons and fairies of our oh-so-human enthusiasm for magical thinking. The devotees of Newton and von Braun are set against the devotees of Nostradamus and Cayce. All jmo. cn