FAn LEAVES yes or no!!! triming LETS VOTE!!!


Active Member
i have heard so meny people say trim you plants and trim them good alowing air and light to reach throughout your canvis.

i have also ben ready a lot. and people are saying dont ever cut or trim leaves it will only slow or hurt you plants growing potential.

so id like to take a vote. if you think fan leaves should be cut write a YES on very bottom of your post.
if you think you should not cut leaves say NO on bottom of your post.

please throw you 2 cents into this i really want to know i have ben trimming my plants offten want to no if i should stop,:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I'd vote no. Mother nature put them there for a reason, and to me taking them off only slows down the growth of the buds. The fan leaves are the plants solar panels that power it.


Active Member
MY OPINION The day mother nature gets out scissors and cuts the leaves I will too until then just say NO.


Well-Known Member
i have heard so meny people say trim you plants and trim them good alowing air and light to reach throughout your canvis.

i have also ben ready a lot. and people are saying dont ever cut or trim leaves it will only slow or hurt you plants growing potential.

so id like to take a vote. if you think fan leaves should be cut write a YES on very bottom of your post.
if you think you should not cut leaves say NO on bottom of your post.

please throw you 2 cents into this i really want to know i have ben trimming my plants offten want to no if i should stop,:leaf:
Yes and No....depends on your practice grow...

Yes, trim the weakling fans at the bottom only to encourage the energy foucs on the budding sites. If you trim the bottom stems during upcan and bury the stems when you transplant, thus you dont need to trim fans that later.

No, the fan shade is very important for bud production if you re looking for a big yield then keep foliage healthy and green remain till harvest.

like i said its all depend on your practice grow...i do many different expriment to find the better method for me and always learn from something, you should do same thing :D

happy gardening.


Well-Known Member
Before I started reading here, I cut off a couple fan leaves that were starting to turn rusty looking.
Immediately thereafter, I noticed a slowing of flower growth, so I vote "NO".



Well-Known Member
Before I started reading here, I cut off a couple fan leaves that were starting to turn rusty looking.
Immediately thereafter, I noticed a slowing of flower growth, so I vote "NO".
Have ever heard of leaf septoria ? like rusty color, black spot, or hole in the got a disease leaves...get a treatment immediately before it spread to the above leaves, thus it cause yield low....trim the rusty leaves wont cure anything. Get fungi disease control spray like serenades. Good luck.

happy gardening.


Well-Known Member
No because in the leaves is where photosynthesis occurs. I am reluctant to even take off a leaf that has been compromised somehow at around 50%.


Well-Known Member
I only take off the lower growth, and fan leaves that are nearly dead. As long as the leaf still has healthy parts on it, it is still collecting light.


Active Member
No don't do it, but I have to admit I have a LSD plant that a fu$%^&*n Elk got to,, I was so pissed.. It topped it and ate almost ever leave!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ya I know people say build a fence around that shit,,, Fuck that, the Cowboys would see that fence and Jack that shit for sure.. so I brought her inside and now after 2 months that bitch is thriving Big dank buds everywhere on her but she is only 24 inches high,,, So I think its possible to do it since the Elk did it for me,, but I just don't like missing with my plants to much.. IDK. But I would say NO don't cut...


Active Member
I vote YES and NO depends on your grow style.

1. If you have the room and enought light to penetrate to all the leaves (lower sections) then by all means leave them alone and make sure you have enough airflow on your girls.

2. If you are in a SOG or SCROG then yes trim the lower 1/3 of your plant.

It all really depends on your grow style IMO. People that say cut them off are probably going off hear say or personal grow preference. People that say No either grow outside, have few plants, or a big space. As far as the airflow goes good airflow helps with bugs, mold, desieses, etc. If your plant/s are tall and bushy with little light how will the light ever penetrate to the bottom leaves/bud sights..... it wont so by cutting off lower leaves/bud sites will only promote top growth... no harm no foul. If you do cut the lower leaves then yes maybe the plant will slow in growth a little but will quickly recover and promote top growth. Like I said it is your growing style that depends on cutting what suits you best. Just dont go in and cut to much at one time and dont just trim one side. If you cut make equal cutting to each side to see best results IMO.


Well-Known Member

They'll obviously grow back with no problems. It just slows growth. Some people take off every leaf and leaf 2 or 3 if they have a spider mite infestation.


Active Member
Also it also depends on when you cut the leaves/sites. During veg you can really give her a chop where ever you want and if you have never tried it all she will do is grow back twice to three times as bushy, just make sure you give her proper recovery time. When it comes to flower I wouldnt cut anything after 2-3 weeks into flower. All this is just my 2 cents and IMO I do both ways different strains different flower rooms. Some plants grow best without touching them some liked topped and trim. Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
I cut fan leaves but not in VEG and never to top 2 nodes and it doesn't slow my growth at all,I lst and my branches have many fan leaves.I only cut the leaves on the stem not on any branches at any time.And as far as people saying what mother nature doesn't do BLAH!!! mother nature don't add guano,perlite,vermiculite,peat,veg and flower nutes nor grow in containers,or cut clones,nor does she give off artificial light So BLAH!!!

Show me where hydroponics is used by mother nature :-P

YES it's okay to cut the fan leaves on the STEM but you NEED some branches first to maintain themselves


Well-Known Member
Have ever heard of leaf septoria ? like rusty color, black spot, or hole in the got a disease leaves...get a treatment immediately before it spread to the above leaves, thus it cause yield low....trim the rusty leaves wont cure anything. Get fungi disease control spray like serenades. Good luck.

happy gardening.
Thanks, but it looked like this...... And I had a few suggestions when it happened, was mostly to the older larger leaves midway up the stalk, and some calcium and foliar spraying with epsom kept it from getting worse.



Well-Known Member
im going with a potassium def( in the earlier stages) had the same problem last year. starts with the small rust colored spots, more so near the leaf veins, then blotchy starts spreading toward the outter edges of your leaves. your leaves are now mostly yellow, with some green on the center veins and edges. finally your leaf will be completly yellow with those small rust spots now being larger brown blotches. izoc666 gave u an improper answer based on what he's read, not experienced. common fault of too many here. it pretty easy to recommend leaf spot as the problem when the OP's reporting off colored spots on leaves. so were gonna have ppl treating a fungus issue they dnt have while ther problem continues

Grown n Oregon

Active Member
i dont think there is a right or wrong answer to this age old question. ive got good results both ways strain depending. i tend to lean on the no side if i had to pick tho. i trim the botten 1/3 of my plant after vegg..main stalk and each branch so i cut fan and every other kind of leaf off and my ladies do ifs ands or butts about it. i get lazy sometimes and dont cut a f'ing thing off before going into flower and the same thing happens...they still come out great. ive played around on a few and cut every other set of fans off and guess what happened??? came out great just like the others. so i call this question or "myth" BUSTED. its all personal preference and what ever floats ur boat if u ask me. until i see and hard proof with my own 2 eyes..or MythBusters test it out and comes up with some true and sayin do what ever tickles ur fancy as long as u are producing good ol' dank herb.