Opinions on what I did for mites on clones


Active Member
Hey guys.. I have 7 clones in an aeroponic cloner. I noticed yesterday that I had a few spider mites on them(big surprise). I mixed up some neem oil, dawn soap, and hot water in a bucket and dipped the clone, basket, and neopreen in it. I then dipped everything into cold water and swirled them around. I cleaned the bucket and lid itself as well as the pump. Do you think this will be an effective method of getting rid of these nasty things?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, rinsing the neem off the plant partly defeats the purpose. It needs to stay on long enough to smother the mites, and to be absorbed by the plant to help protect it from future attacks


Active Member
Ahh damn! I guess I will do it again in a few days and leave the neem on longer. As of now they have nothing on them but I planned on doing it again anyway for safety. I also dipped another plant I had but I also covered it with a trash bag and jacked her up with co2.


Well-Known Member
The main thing is to really clean your growing area, mites could be anywhere in there and get right back on the plants. You'll probably have to do spraying or whatever other control throughout the grow


Well-Known Member
spray everything except flowering plants with 50-70% rubbing alcohol then ventilate the space until it all evaporates. you can even dunk clones in 50% to make sure theyre clean this is a good practice to use for cuttings you get from other gardens


Active Member
Mighty wash!
Mighty wash is terribly expensive for a product that doesn't work! Soap and water work better than this cinnamon water. I use a product called organicide, which I have been amazed with the results from. The plant flourishes the day after every spraying rather than slowing down like it does with say Azamax.