Just remember Ron Paul 2012! Your Vote can help save our counrty!

well......vote for a better candidate my friend.

there is a libertarian (not a fake libertarian like rawn pawl) who will be on the ballot in all 50 states.

unlike fake libertarian rawn pawl, GJ supports liberty for women to exercise control over their bodies, supports liberty for same sex couples to enjoy equality, and doesn't think that birth control pills are a problem caused by the immorality of wanting to have sex for reasons other than procreation.

rawn pawl is a fraud, a phony, a lifelong politician who took all your moneybombs and hired his family to run a sham campaign that he knew was destined for failure. and you guys just ate it up.

sad for you, hilarious for me!
this is the thing.....you are letting personal emotions get in the way of your overall decision. i DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THOSE ISSUES. and honestly, obama put a bill to have birth control covered by medicare too so why aren't you on his cock. which btw is wasting payer tax dollar IMO. pay for your own goddamn personal necessities. about the abortion and all that, yeah w/e but how can you say that when its still an unnatural medical procedure that reverses a bodily function that is supposed to occur. it fucks some women up to have to do that in the long run health wise. i'm not saying don't do it its your body, but that's just something to think about, only under incredibly horrid conditions should you get an abortion but even at that, theres always the other A word which is adoption. stop with the same sex stuff shit bro cuz is me seeing mad gay dudes making out in public gonna solve economical issues and our tension with foreign affairs? really, like you supporting a dude that supports issues CLOSE TO YOU, i support a man that supports issues close to society.
obama put a bill to have birth control covered by medicare too so why aren't you on his cock. which btw is wasting payer tax dollar IMO. pay for your own goddamn personal necessities.

in case you didn't notice, a bill was passed and ruled constitutional. it is the law of the land.

part of that bill dealt with lowering costs of health care by covering preventive medicine without co pay. ya know, stitch in time saves nine. common sense.

so tell me which you think is cheaper: a packet of pills, or 9 months worth of pre natal care followed by a hospital stay?

about the abortion and all that, yeah w/e but how can you say that when its still an unnatural medical procedure that reverses a bodily function that is supposed to occur. it fucks some women up to have to do that in the long run health wise. i'm not saying don't do it its your body, but that's just something to think about, only under incredibly horrid conditions should you get an abortion but even at that, theres always the other A word which is adoption.

if you're against abortion, you would be wise to support birth control.

not only does it lower the costs of health care, it reduces the number of abortions.

but i forgot that i'm talking to the notsowideinfidel.

stop with the same sex stuff shit bro cuz is me seeing mad gay dudes making out in public

i thought rawn pawl was for liberty, freedom, and equal rights for all?

is making out in public purely the domain of heterosexuals?

who appointed you grand poobah of who can make out in public?

i'm sure orlando is just flooded with gay dudes making out in public and it disgusts you. i'm sure you are similarly disgusted by the plethora of lesbian chicks making out in public, right? or is that the type of stuff you have in a folder labeled "totally not porn" that you beat off to?

too facile.
how are you a moderator?

bigotry is alive and well, i see.

this ugliness is quite representative of the rawn pawl fan club.

I have nothing against gays, have some in the family, my wife is bi... but I think gay rights are about last on the list of important issues that need to be addressed.
It's ok if your a fag I don't care, honestly. You even have my blessing to marry another man, congrats... Feel better lolz. It's funny how the word fag gets you guys all up in a bunch.. I love it.
Not sure how you confuse racial slurs with a word like fag.. You're even more confused than I first expected. :)

I am under the impression that "fag" is a derogatory term, at least in the States. We don't use the term to indicate a cigarette here, which iirc is a nonderogatory UK usage, but not for people. cn
Not sure how you confuse racial slurs with a word like fag.. You're even more confused than I first expected. :)

i said "bigoted slur". racial slurs are also bigoted slurs, but bigoted slurs are not necessarily racial slurs.

you're not doing a very good job of this.
I really hate the direction this thread has gone... I am open to peoples opinions and I would like to respect their choices even if I don't agree. This has gone a little to far.. Ron Paul 2012!
I really hate the direction this thread has gone... I am open to peoples opinions and I would like to respect their choices even if I don't agree. This has gone a little to far.. Ron Paul 2012!

It's because the thread is out of its element, Donny. cn