you have to pay $13.50 to vote in pennsylvania

i'm not going to comment on your anecdotal dog whistles.

i am going to laugh at the fact that you are too much of a pussy to answer a simple question. pussy.

Likewise, I am not going to comment on your absurd assertions. Standoff, cheese eater.

The pig getting poked is the one that squeals. True story!
other than some guy who saw some guy who heard it from another you got any court cases? prosecutions?

Come on you must of got some kind of evidence from over at Stormfront to back your allegations
I don't think Stormfront accepts "dudes" from the "desert", wrong shade for their palette.
Likewise, I am not going to comment on your absurd assertions. Standoff, cheese eater.

The pig getting poked is the one that squeals. True story!

awwwww, what a fucking pussy!

the people of PA are being told that you MUST pay money to the government if you want to be able to vote, and the dog whistling pussy is too much of a cowardly pussy to comment on the constitutionality of the situation.

meanwhile, he expects me to give the obvious answer to his hypothetical, unproven, uncited anecdotes.

that is pure pussy power right there.

go back to stormfront, DEAsert dude.
I don't think Stormfront accepts "dudes" from the "desert", wrong shade for their palette.

dude, get your stereotypes straight.

old white people flock to our deserts for resort golf and an excellent place to kick the bucket.

let me know if you need further help on stereotypes. you're welcome.
dude, get your stereotypes straight.

old white people flock to our deserts for resort golf and an excellent place to kick the bucket.

let me know if you need further help on stereotypes. you're welcome.

Speaking of stereotypes, according to the squealing pigs I am a skinhead, supremacist, federal drug agent? Is that about all, or did I miss a few?
dude, get your stereotypes straight.

old white people flock to our deserts for resort golf and an excellent place to kick the bucket.

let me know if you need further help on stereotypes. you're welcome.
I thought all OAP Americans died in Florida?

Must be the potatoes.
they also go to vegas, and phoenix, and palm desert, and san diego and santa fe, other places.
Oh I thought they were called like salmon to die in Florida. Oh well, that's that Bubble Burst.

I love how Desert Dude still calls you a cheddar muncher, he still doesn't understand treadmill sales, it's a growth industry.
you're also a liar, a coward, a pussy, and a douchebag. probably a few more in there.

I'd love for you to hang around with me and my group for just one day, of course you wouldn't last 20 minutes but it would be pretty amusing watching piss your pants and cry like a little girl.
I'd love for you to hang around with me and my group for just one day, of course you wouldn't last 20 minutes but it would be pretty amusing watching piss your pants and cry like a little girl.
*ALERT* Internet Tough Guy detected! *ALERT*

Don't piss him off or he'll type REALLY hard on his keyboard and squint at the screen angrily.
i'm not going to comment on your anecdotal dog whistles.

i am going to laugh at the fact that you are too much of a pussy to answer a simple question. pussy.

awwwww, what a fucking pussy!

the people of PA are being told that you MUST pay money to the government if you want to be able to vote, and the dog whistling pussy is too much of a cowardly pussy to comment on the constitutionality of the situation.

meanwhile, he expects me to give the obvious answer to his hypothetical, unproven, uncited anecdotes.

that is pure pussy power right there.

go back to stormfront, DEAsert dude.

Could you be any more of a parrot. Chris Matthews uses the term twice in the last 24 hours and the liberal partisan hacks practically stumble over themselves to get it out as many times as possible. If you managed an original thought even once on these forums, I think we might concede the point out of pure disbelief.

BULLSHIT AND YOU KNOW IT YOU RACIST ASS CLOWN MIAMI (CBSMiami) – The former chairman of the Republican Party of Florida is making charged accusations against his prior employer, claiming state party officials are intentionally trying to keep minority voters away from the polls. While appearing on MSNBC’s Politics Nation, Jim Greer said that during his time as head of the Florida Republicans, strategists discussed plans to reduce early voting opportunities and manipulate the voter registration process to facilitate party gains this November. Greer, who resigned from his position in 2010 amid criticism of his spending habits, also maintained that party officials are specifically working to suppress minority voters to “make sure that what happened in ‘08 never happens again.” “There’s no doubt that what the Republican-led legislature in Florida and Governor Scott are trying to do is make sure that the Republican Party has an advantage in this upcoming election by reducing early voting, putting roadblocks up for potential voters, Latinos, African-Americans—to register and then to exercise their right to vote,” said Greer to host Rev. Al Sharpton. “There is no doubt. I was in the room. It’s part of the strategy.”
Definition of racism: Disagreeing with ChesusRice or UncleBetty.
BULLSHIT AND YOU KNOW IT YOU RACIST ASS CLOWN MIAMI (CBSMiami) – The former chairman of the Republican Party of Florida is making charged accusations against his prior employer, claiming state party officials are intentionally trying to keep minority voters away from the polls. While appearing on MSNBC’s Politics Nation, Jim Greer said that during his time as head of the Florida Republicans, strategists discussed plans to reduce early voting opportunities and manipulate the voter registration process to facilitate party gains this November. Greer, who resigned from his position in 2010 amid criticism of his spending habits, also maintained that party officials are specifically working to suppress minority voters to “make sure that what happened in ‘08 never happens again.” “There’s no doubt that what the Republican-led legislature in Florida and Governor Scott are trying to do is make sure that the Republican Party has an advantage in this upcoming election by reducing early voting, putting roadblocks up for potential voters, Latinos, African-Americans—to register and then to exercise their right to vote,” said Greer to host Rev. Al Sharpton. “There is no doubt. I was in the room. It’s part of the strategy.”
So a former Republican who was forced out in disgrace has become a Democrat operative. Big deal. He was too much a slime ball for the Republicans, but he fits right in with the