Well-Known Member
Why Harrekin, are becoming a (gasp) conservative?It causes BHS you see, bleeding heart syndrome.
Why Harrekin, are becoming a (gasp) conservative?It causes BHS you see, bleeding heart syndrome.
ACORN was already receiving millions under 200+ other names when their Federal funding was halted. Most, if not all, at the exact same address. There may be even more that haven't been discovered yet. So they may have had no net loss of taxpayer's funds at all. Hell, they may be getting more now than they were before.Here is my prediction: These voter ID laws will be upheld, the sky will stay firmly overhead, babies will cry when they are hungry, and ACORN will find some other way to game the system. If it looks like either major political party will be hurt by these laws, the parties will pony up the money to get IDs for people. Heck, the Democrats in Chicago were paying for votes with crisp, new five dollar bills during every election I witnessed while growing up there. Do you think $13.50 is going to deter them now? Nothing much will change.
Racist, pussy, homosexual, retard, there's more, but I lost track. Just remember, he accused ME of being a Stormfront member first. He hates me more than he does you. Being hated by these two is a badge of of stereotypes, according to the squealing pigs I am a skinhead, supremacist, federal drug agent? Is that about all, or did I miss a few?
Definition of racism: Disagreeing with ChesusRice or UncleBetty.
UncleBetty pisses his pants and cries like a little girl sitting in front of his wife's computer. Believe me, it's NOT amusing.I'd love for you to hang around with me and my group for just one day, of course you wouldn't last 20 minutes but it would be pretty amusing watching piss your pants and cry like a little girl.
YES! Please do. Find that all links point to..................RIU !LOL no the real definition of racist is a guy who has a stormfront account and post there regularly Google red1966 stormfront
you had to pay money to the government at one point in order to be eligible to vote.
and now, there are 758,000 pennsylvanians who will have to pay money to the government if they want to be able to vote this year.
incontrovertible fact.
Nah man, I consider myself a "Pragmatic Libertarian". I believe in freedom, fairness (not the take from one to give to another kind) and being pragmatic with politics, like fixing the system, not gutting it.Why Harrekin, are becoming a (gasp) conservative?
Incontrovertible bullshit.
Could you be any more of a parrot. Chris Matthews uses the term twice in the last 24 hours and the liberal partisan hacks practically stumble over themselves to get it out as many times as possible. If you managed an original thought even once on these forums, I think we might concede the point out of pure disbelief.
people are not being "asked" to get an ID, they are told they MUST purchase this ID if they want to be able to vote.
to quote a certain tard, "you keep trying to twist this into something it is not".
Poor baby, is your butt hurt?
so you think having to pay money to the government in order to be eligible to vote is constitutional? yes or no.
I live in PA. No one told me I must purchase this ID.
Right off the bat, the Commonwealth admitted that it has no voter problem. Officials stipulated that they could not point to a single documented case of in-person voter fraud, the only kind addressed by the law, and did not believe that it's likely to occur in November.
In sharp contrast to the zero incidents of voter fraud, our attorneys provided evidence that the number of Pennsylvanians without government-issued photo ID is roughly one million. Even the Commonwealth estimated that about 760,000 Pennsylvanians lack this form of ID, and in Philadelphia, 18% of voters - nearly one in five - don't have it. The citizens most likely to be disenfranchised on account of it are disproportionately veterans, seniors and people of color.
So veterans, seniors and people of colour have no need for driving license, passport, etc? Iv like 3 forms of photo ID because I needed them (to drive, travel, etc), sure we need them to vote, but most people have an ID of that sort anyways is my point.Right off the bat, the Commonwealth admitted that it has no voter problem. Officials stipulated that they could not point to a single documented case of in-person voter fraud, the only kind addressed by the law, and did not believe that it's likely to occur in November.
In sharp contrast to the zero incidents of voter fraud, our attorneys provided evidence that the number of Pennsylvanians without government-issued photo ID is roughly one million. Even the Commonwealth estimated that about 760,000 Pennsylvanians lack this form of ID, and in Philadelphia, 18% of voters - nearly one in five - don't have it. The citizens most likely to be disenfranchised on account of it are disproportionately veterans, seniors and people of color.
And the Court ruled in favor of the Commonwealth. Pull your panties up and quit your crying.Right off the bat, the Commonwealth admitted that it has no voter problem. Officials stipulated that they could not point to a single documented case of in-person voter fraud, the only kind addressed by the law, and did not believe that it's likely to occur in November. In sharp contrast to the zero incidents of voter fraud, our attorneys provided evidence that the number of Pennsylvanians without government-issued photo ID is roughly one million. Even the Commonwealth estimated that about 760,000 Pennsylvanians lack this form of ID, and in Philadelphia, 18% of voters - nearly one in five - don't have it. The citizens most likely to be disenfranchised on account of it are disproportionately veterans, seniors and people of color.
Citation please