Just remember Ron Paul 2012! Your Vote can help save our counrty!

It's because the thread is out of its element, Donny. cn

It's toke and talk and I was just toking and talking when I posted it. I like to hear what people have to say but when it comes to name calling.. whats the point? you can't get anywhere with an intellectual conversation when thats going on.. I feel that most have good points but the way they say them makes it irrelevant.
It's toke and talk and I was just toking and talking when I posted it. I like to hear what people have to say but when it comes to name calling.. whats the point? you can't get anywhere with an intellectual conversation when thats going on.. I feel that most have good points but the way they say them makes it irrelevant.

I couldn't resist the Lebowski reference. But seriously ... RIU has a place for just this sort of thread. I would not be surprised to be the focus of an immune response. I would recommend asking it be moved ... you'll get lots of attention from "the usual suspects" in Paulitics. cn
I really hate the direction this thread has gone... I am open to peoples opinions and I would like to respect their choices even if I don't agree. This has gone a little to far.. Ron Paul 2012!

should have posted this in politics.

posting rawn pawl spam here gave me the opportunity to point out his history of bigotry and racism to a whole new crowd.
I couldn't resist the Lebowski reference. But seriously ... RIU has a place for just this sort of thread. I would not be surprised to be the focus of an immune response. I would recommend asking it be moved ... you'll get lots of attention from "the usual suspects" in Paulitics. cn
The way this is going I want it shut down not moved. People need to just get high
I really hate the direction this thread has gone... I am open to peoples opinions and I would like to respect their choices even if I don't agree. This has gone a little to far.. Ron Paul 2012!

I agree, even though I made it worse.. oops.. Last thing people should be doing is voting for a president based on his views of sexuality...

I have to apologize to everyone though, I'm sorry for picking on the gay guy..

Now go smoke a fag or a pole, whichever you prefer, and seriously consider more important issues that this country has and vote smart in November.

I'll go crawl back under my rock.

I'll be writing Ron Paul.
I agree, even though I made it worse.. oops.. Last thing people should be doing is voting for a president based on his views of sexuality...

I have to apologize to everyone though, I'm sorry for picking on the gay guy..

Now go smoke a fag or a pole, whichever you prefer, and seriously consider more important issues that this country has and vote smart in November.

I'll go crawl back under my rock.

I'll be writing Ron Paul.

Yeah, that would be fukt in the ... oh look! Guardrails!! cn
I agree, even though I made it worse.. oops.. Last thing people should be doing is voting for a president based on his views of sexuality...

I have to apologize to everyone though, I'm sorry for picking on the gay guy..

Now go smoke a fag or a pole, whichever you prefer, and seriously consider more important issues that this country has and vote smart in November.

I'll go crawl back under my rock.

I'll be writing Ron Paul.

even in his "apology", he assumes that one has to be gay to stick up for equal rights.

ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present the average rawn pawl supporter! :clap:
Lol politics is always fun, I tend to agree with the one dude, I could care less about half of these issues and I sure as hell think abortion is murder, adoption is def better, most these stupid little girls use abortion as birth control.
HR 7955 - only sponsor: ron paul

"Prohibits the expenditure of Federal funds to any organization which presents male or female homosexuality as an acceptable alternative life style or which suggest that it can be an acceptable life style. "

you support a fucking bigot who wants to limit people's rights.

OMFG a rawn pawl nut espoused a conspiracy theory! that is the first time that has ever happened in all of history, ever.

Good we should not have to spend money on that at all !!!
I sure as hell think abortion is murder
