King Tut
You can try as you like UB, but one cannot force their belief of the beginning of life on another.
Why do "we" have to either condone or rebuke being gay?
You can try as you like UB, but one cannot force their belief of the beginning of life on another.
why single out homosexuality but not heterosexuality?
could it be that *gasp* rawn pawl sees people in groups?
why yes, yes he does.
the implications of that will likely be exposed if you choose to drag this out.
He sees things in terms of reality and numbers imo.
The majority of the population is not gay, therefore what is the "norm", "Mean", "Average"?
To say RP doesn't see people in "groups" to some extent is like saying you don't see anyone with a differing opinion to yours as being part of a "group". Conservatives, pro-gun, anti- big gov't, etc. They're all "nuts and morons" right?
They tell us everything else we are allowed to do and not do why are oh do surprised lol, it's unnatural and dumb to us to pay for some hoes abortion and if people wanna be gay then fine, but not gonna change my mind about it supporting it .
Haha see this proves how dumb you are, I have never once acted like that, April made fun of it too and that did not turn out well. You have no idea what I think, I am proud of the fact I was healed not that it happened you really need to get your stories straight!!!
sorry for mentioning the very thing that you bring up on your own so often. maybe you want to answer the rest of the questions you ignored now?
Nope it really is not lol
Lol no, I don't have to tell you why I believe what I believe......and when the hell have I ever talked to you?? You are nothing but a troll lol find one post where I think it is a good thing??
We used to be single-celled organisms. Maybe you don't see the importance in such a small cell but others do.
Good job on avoiding my point. A good job you wouldn't be able to complete if our cingle-celled ancestors were killed.
yeah i imagine its pretty hard to get a brain injury when most your time is spent trolling people in the internet...NO Brain Surgury for meGod Has Healed Me !!!![]()
We used to be single-celled organisms. Maybe you don't see the importance in such a small cell but others do.
did you know: that the picture i displayed of a day old zygote comes from a multicellular organism known as "the human"?
did you know: that birth control pills may prevent a barely fertilized zygote (IT'S A PERSON!) from implanting, thereby MURDERING it?
did you know: that by placing such value on a zygote (PERSON!), you make birth control pills illegal (IT'S A PERSON!), thereby causing more unplanned pregnancies, and thus, abortions (MURDERS!)?
did you know: that my wife and i, along with tens of millions of other sexually active people nationwide, object to fucking with a condom? it's true. birth control is more effective anyway, but of course people like you who value that day old zygote hate birth control pills (THEY CAUSE COUNTLESS MURDERS!)