my cat eats grass


Well-Known Member
i read it aids in digestion. something about folic acid and now i have to wait till she vomits it up. and of course i gotta find it first. i've found little gifts on the floor before i swore were rats. huge sometimes. i also read mb i should grow a tray of grass inside because of the chemicals ppl put on turf grass. although none here. i know this is the gardening section but there are cat owners here. ppl are more empathetic here. if i posted it somewhere else i'll just get wisecrack remarks. so what do you do? i'm afraid cuz my baby girl is asthmatic. if she gets sick i get manic. panic attacks. omg. she's all i got left. mb i should just keep her inside?


Well-Known Member
def not. i can't keep her in. i mean i could. but she just hovers near the house anyway. i think she knows it's dangerous out there. shit there are hawks that will pick her ass right up off the ground. long as she doesn't wander i'm not gonna worry. till i can't find her then i'm gonna panic. i feel bad when she sits around all day just eatting too many treats. cats are part wild. oh shit you should see her get crazy over a laser light i got for her. it keeps her running around and is good excercise. def she will be my last cat. next one's gonna be a dog. a mut. a lap dog. a rescue one. i'm all about second chances.


Well-Known Member
found this pic. i've seen it done. wadda ya think? ima buy a piece of sod and i hear you can grow grass in as litle as an inch of soil. so mb i can get a wooden box of some sort. or make one?

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
Looks good. If you want you could see about buying grass seeds and growing it from that since some seeds also have soil around the seed

I re-seeded my lawn with a product called EZ-Seed


Active Member
my cat, as well as both dogs, (a rotti, and a pom) both eat grass togeather every day. its normal. they have special grass, u can grow, that they like alot. most pet shops offer it, allready planted in its own pot. i think its called wheat grass. again. all normal. mine even go for a bite or two of my oudoor jack herer.


Well-Known Member
Hi Danny,
There is a Chia Sylvester, that has a grass mix, instead of Chia seed.
We harbor and spay/neuter feral cats. Can't tell you how many get into problems with placement in the food chain. It's heartbreaking.


Well-Known Member
i read it aids in digestion. something about folic acid and now i have to wait till she vomits it up. and of course i gotta find it first. i've found little gifts on the floor before i swore were rats. huge sometimes. i also read mb i should grow a tray of grass inside because of the chemicals ppl put on turf grass. although none here. i know this is the gardening section but there are cat owners here. ppl are more empathetic here. if i posted it somewhere else i'll just get wisecrack remarks. so what do you do? i'm afraid cuz my baby girl is asthmatic. if she gets sick i get manic. panic attacks. omg. she's all i got left. mb i should just keep her inside?
Ever try growing catnip inside to see if she likes it?


Well-Known Member
i've grown it outside. she doesn't. she mostly likes those purina whisker lickins. and i sometimes give her white albacore. it is cheaper than canned if you figure it oz for oz. and salmon. and fresh uncooked flounder. she loves that. most of her diet consists of dried. and plenty of water. and an occasional mouse.


Well-Known Member
my cat used to eat grass, they like it but they barf if they have too much lol. they also like bumble bee sardines only 97 cents too

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
I think its just a craving for greens. All of the dogs and cats Ive had eat grass, but never really throw up after... Hell I crave a salad when I eat to many burgers. Could it be that simple?