Louie XIII OG in Dual Monster Plant System (3rd Scrog)



Look! The little one is occupying one square!
Damnit Jin I've finally had to give in to the urge and butt in on the journal. Here I had gone and finished my last grows and had taken a break from anything grow related except for reading your updates and after seeing how healthy and awesome your system is running all I want to do is start mine again! If only you'd gone and told me to buzz off when I first messaged you I would have gone on living my normal life without all the excitement of growing... damn you jin! And by damn you, I really mean thank you thank you thank you

So I wanted to say whatup and post the other pics I'd promised so at least you know I'm not talking out of my ass here. I apologize in advance for bombing your thread.

Here's the Blueberry Gum I experimented with on my first DWC runOptimized-P1040121.jpg

This is merely for size comparison. Not sure if Lebron would appreciate the endorsement but I'm sure 50 wouldOptimized-P1040126.jpg

Not a great shot but hey that's what a digi cam will do. Under the right lighting you can see some trichs pretty clearly. Very few amber heads, perfect for this strainOptimized-P1040169.jpg

And now for the tastier and even more impressive OG #18. It's a cross of diesel and that classic OG (chemdawg). Optimized-P1030996.jpg

Mighty fine plants they were.. however I'm excited for Jin's grow to knock my stuff down a peg or two. Gotta say, having the experience of knowing your system and locking in your feed schedules really impacts your overall result and you can tell from just looking at those luscious green leaves that these plants are ready to THRIVE. Keep up the good work my man!
This is Haley, former child model. She just turned 18, and you wouldn't believe the pervert photographers jumping all over her at Mayhem.

Serious jail bait just a few short months ago...

The so-called 'photographers' at Model Mayhem are largely untalented, unintelligent, and classless. Haley is smart. She's only talking to me.

Out of all of them, SHES THE HOTTEST
Y'know I'm starting to notice more and more that the hottest models come from small towns outside the hustle and bustle of big cities.

This is Samantha from small town Ohio.

Just 19 years old, Samantha dreams of coming out to Hollywood to follow her dreams.

There's just something special about this girl. What is it? Could it be that All-American, girl-next-door charm?

That's part of it. The other part? I think you know what the other part is...

Anyway, we're talking. And I just might have to show Sam around town when I fly her out later this year.

This girl has endless potential.


While admittedly that blonde Haley is pretty banging, I gotta say I'm sold on Samantha here..

We don't even need to get into her body cuz that's TOO fine but she definitely has it all going for her. I think her cheeks are what sells her smile and her eyes..maybe its the color but they really seem to complement her face. Something about her topless shots aren't doing it for me (weird, right?)- I think having too much makeup or even using b/w almost takes away from her natural beauty.

PS: Jin, this is what the third time you've ever seen me and can you already tell I can be one to overthink things?? Haha I swear, it must have something to do with me smoking the last of my good old OG
Damnit Jin I've finally had to give in to the urge and butt in on the journal. Here I had gone and finished my last grows and had taken a break from anything grow related except for reading your updates and after seeing how healthy and awesome your system is running all I want to do is start mine again! If only you'd gone and told me to buzz off when I first messaged you I would have gone on living my normal life without all the excitement of growing... damn you jin! And by damn you, I really mean thank you thank you thank you

So I wanted to say whatup and post the other pics I'd promised so at least you know I'm not talking out of my ass here. I apologize in advance for bombing your thread.

Here's the Blueberry Gum I experimented with on my first DWC runView attachment 2310400

This is merely for size comparison. Not sure if Lebron would appreciate the endorsement but I'm sure 50 wouldView attachment 2310406

Not a great shot but hey that's what a digi cam will do. Under the right lighting you can see some trichs pretty clearly. Very few amber heads, perfect for this strainView attachment 2310407

And now for the tastier and even more impressive OG #18. It's a cross of diesel and that classic OG (chemdawg). View attachment 2310411
View attachment 2310413
View attachment 2310414

Mighty fine plants they were.. however I'm excited for Jin's grow to knock my stuff down a peg or two. Gotta say, having the experience of knowing your system and locking in your feed schedules really impacts your overall result and you can tell from just looking at those luscious green leaves that these plants are ready to THRIVE. Keep up the good work my man!

Hey, Jonny, nice of you to drop in finally. What can I say, brother? Congratulations. You're a grower. Welcome to the thread. Thank you for the wonderful pic contribution.

Out of all of them, SHES THE HOTTEST

Yeah, she's dangerous shit, alright. Glad I waited until she turned 18... Lol.

While admittedly that blonde Haley is pretty banging, I gotta say I'm sold on Samantha here..

We don't even need to get into her body cuz that's TOO fine but she definitely has it all going for her. I think her cheeks are what sells her smile and her eyes..maybe its the color but they really seem to complement her face. Something about her topless shots aren't doing it for me (weird, right?)- I think having too much makeup or even using b/w almost takes away from her natural beauty.

PS: Jin, this is what the third time you've ever seen me and can you already tell I can be one to overthink things?? Haha I swear, it must have something to do with me smoking the last of my good old OG

Alright, a Sam fan. Awesome. Yeah, I really dig her down-home, All-American look. You just can't fake that shit with makeup and surgery.

I can kind of see what you're saying about that stylized bw. Maybe not the best look for Sam. But she does have a fabulous, all-natural rack. Don't worry, I know how to photograph her properly.

Edit: I'm really making an effort to start shooting fresh faces. Having known models in my portfolio is great for their fan bases and whatnot, but it's also very interesting to have pro shots of incredibly hot girls who are new to the scene.
Take a huge ass rip and listen to this.
Turn it up loud. You can dance if you want. No one's looking.
why thank you lordjin. this run was actually messed up as it was my first attempt at coco. i will be running her in my dwc setup in my next run and i seriously believe i can get a lot more out of this strain yet.

edit:- i think you would very much enjoy this smoko jin, super lemon chem smell that absolutely fills a room when you chop up a bud. and it has a high that i love. really chatty energetic high that mellows into a body stone after about an hr. its great at partys though cause everyone chases that energetic buzz so everyone just keeps blazing chasing that initial high and as long as you keep smoking you can really keep hanging onto it but you just get higher and higher and higher. just dont run out because as soon as you do everyone will be so smashed they all fall asleep lol
why thank you lordjin. this run was actually messed up as it was my first attempt at coco. i will be running her in my dwc setup in my next run and i seriously believe i can get a lot more out of this strain yet.

edit:- i think you would very much enjoy this smoko jin, super lemon chem smell that absolutely fills a room when you chop up a bud. and it has a high that i love. really chatty energetic high that mellows into a body stone after about an hr. its great at partys though cause everyone chases that energetic buzz so everyone just keeps blazing chasing that initial high and as long as you keep smoking you can really keep hanging onto it but you just get higher and higher and higher. just dont run out because as soon as you do everyone will be so smashed they all fall asleep lol

Chatty then a crash. That's why we grow. Lol.
why thank you lordjin. this run was actually messed up as it was my first attempt at coco. i will be running her in my dwc setup in my next run and i seriously believe i can get a lot more out of this strain yet.

edit:- i think you would very much enjoy this smoko jin, super lemon chem smell that absolutely fills a room when you chop up a bud. and it has a high that i love. really chatty energetic high that mellows into a body stone after about an hr. its great at partys though cause everyone chases that energetic buzz so everyone just keeps blazing chasing that initial high and as long as you keep smoking you can really keep hanging onto it but you just get higher and higher and higher. just dont run out because as soon as you do everyone will be so smashed they all fall asleep lol

Sounds like some good shit there! Lol
Teen Pot Users Risk Long-Term IQ Drop, Study Says


According to a recent study, if you started getting high on weed regularly prior to the age of 18, you're probably as dumb as you look. Lol. (Kidding, kidding) Me? First time I tried it I was in the 8th grade, but I didn't start smoking with any kind of regularity until well after the age of 18. That's why I'm still smart. Lol.

Check this out. It's the Lytro 4D camera. What does that mean? Well it means you can shift from focal point to focal point within the photo's depth of field. What? Just play with a few pix on the Lytro site. You'll see what I mean.
You really gotta hand it to the big plant. She's filling that screen single handedly.

I'm starting to pull the little one in the only direction she can go.

And she's going.

Be sure to stay tuned in for more action. Come hell or high water, I'm filling this screen.
Teen Pot Users Risk Long-Term IQ Drop, Study Says


According to a recent study, if you started getting high on weed regularly prior to the age of 18, you're probably as dumb as you look. Lol. (Kidding, kidding) Me? First time I tried it I was in the 8th grade, but I didn't start smoking with any kind of regularity until well after the age of 18. That's why I'm still smart. Lol.

i been smoking regularly since i was 12 so i must be dumb as fuck haha

Did you know that she was once a Republican? That was a long time and a major political awakening ago. Politically perfect? I don't know... but I have yet to disagree with this woman! Amazing.

In her latest column, she highlights the conspicuous absence of pressing issues in the presentations of both the GOP and the Dems in this election.

Shadow Conventions 2012: What They Will Not Be Talking About in Tampa and Charlotte

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/arianna-huffington/shadow-conventions-2012_b_1834857.html?

Here's the whole article:

Tampa, Florida has more homeless people per capita than any city in America. Yet you won't hear much -- if any -- talk from the podium on the Frank Lloyd Wright-inspired convention set about America's poverty crisis.

And this lack of attention won't be exclusive to the GOP. You can expect more of the same (or is that actually less of the same?) when the Democrats descend on Charlotte next week -- after all, President Obama hasn't devoted even one speech to the subject of poverty since he moved into the White House.

This bipartisan back-turning is why we are reviving the Shadow Conventions -- gatherings I helped organize in 2000 with the goal of sparking a national conversation on three issues that neither party was seriously addressing: the corrupting influence of money on our politics, the persistence of poverty in America, and the disastrous war on drugs.

Twelve years later, both parties are still largely ignoring these issues. As a result, each of these problems has gotten worse:

In 2000, 31 million Americans lived below the poverty line. In 2010, it was over 46 million -- including 16.4 million children -- a figure that is expected to rise when the new census figures are released this fall. This is the largest number of people living in poverty in over half a century.

The drug war numbers are similarly troubling: There are over 100,000 more arrests per year for possession of marijuana than there were in 2000 -- yet over 6 million more Americans are using illicit drugs today. A quarter of all prisoners in U.S. jails are there because of a nonviolent drug offense. And while African Americans represent just 12 percent of all drug users, they make up 59 percent of those in state prison for a drug offense.

As for the increasing role money plays in our political campaigns, the founding democratic principle of "one man, one vote" has been replaced by the arithmetic of special interest politics: Thousands of lobbyists plus billions of dollars equal access and influence out of the reach of ordinary Americans. While $54 million was spent by outside groups on the 2000 presidential race, that number has already reached $318 million in 2012. And, thanks to Citizens United, that includes large piles of money funneled through super PACS and "dark money" groups.

To battle the two parties' neglect of these issues, HuffPost Live and The Huffington Post are hosting Shadow Conventions 2012 -- devoting a day during each of the national conventions to focusing on one of the three issues. Today and next Tuesday, a wide array of HuffPost sections -- from Politics to Green to Entertainment to Science -- are featuring stories and blog posts highlighting the effects the war on drugs is having on so many aspects of our lives. On those same days, between 12-4 pm ET (and again between 6-10 pm ET), HuffPost Live's team of host/producers will be joined by a broad range of politicians, thought leaders, activists, and celebrities for in-depth interviews and panel discussions on various aspects of the drug war. Tomorrow and next Wednesday the focus will be on poverty and jobs, while the many ways money is influencing our politics will be front and center on the next two Thursdays.

And we want you to be a central part of these discussions. That's what HuffPost Live is all about -- sparking real conversations about issues that impact our lives.

Among the drug war-related topics being discussed today on HuffPost Live are over-incarceration; how racial disparity in the drug war has led to the disenfranchisement of millions of Americans (especially people of color); the drug war's impact on families; and the reasons why the drug war is such an electrified third rail of American politics. Click on any of the above to go to a HuffPost Live "green room" page where you can learn more about the specific topic, leave a comment, and sign up to join an on-air Shadow Convention conversation.

The Shadow Conventions are for the 96 percent of Americans who have not contributed to a political campaign; the nearly 90 percent of Americans who favor treatment over incarceration for first-time drug offenders; the 80 percent who believe that Congress today is being run not for the benefit of the people but for the benefit of special interests; the more than 40 percent of Americans who are not planning to vote in November; the more than 22 percent of our country's children living below the poverty line.

The Shadow Conventions are your conventions. Join us and be part of a convention that's unscripted, surprising, and a lot more interesting than the over-produced political commercials in Tampa and Charlotte.