Well-Known Member
True we don't understand it completly but U are using the wrong definition of "THEORY".Check out your collegiate dictionary.Iunno, but gravity is only a theory, we still dont have a full understanding of it.
True we don't understand it completly but U are using the wrong definition of "THEORY".Check out your collegiate dictionary.Iunno, but gravity is only a theory, we still dont have a full understanding of it.
Long live the Gods of the Warp!again, the bending of time/space is an analogy to describe the PERCEIVED alteration of the universe around massive objects but the metaphors of warping of time/space are merely an aid to human comprehension of forces beyond our understanding.
if you place a pencil halfway into a glass of water refraction makes the pencil appear broken, we understand that this is just a function of light and water, likewise the "warping of time and space" is merely a function of our observations of gravity's effect on objects nearby. it does not necessarily mean that actual space is actually bent, it just means you can treat it that way.
shooting nine-ball on a slightly warped pool table does not mean that the laws of physics are broken on that pool table, it means you need to measure it better (or with tools not currently available)
a thousand years ago the sun revolved around the earth, and the sky was a giant's skull with holes in it. when new techniques and technologies come about to measure and quantify gravity's effects on nearby objects your grandkids will make fun of you for believing that the Aether could be warped by something as simple as gravity, when they can now prove it is trans-dimensional Eldar sorcerers battling for supremacy with the Chaos Gods in the madness of the Warp that causes these fluctuations in measurements.
Long Live the Emperor of Man!
Abhor the mutant!
Purge the Unclean!
The Emperor Preserves!
The Emperor Protects!
Kip Thorne's own writing is couched in the same word salad used by people trying to sell brown's gas devices to power your home or car, and magnetically charged fuel filters. .And there is the difference, Science has never claimed to be Right. The Method is very simple. Prove something. The idea may withstand current proofs if it merits Scientific consideration. That is when it can be used as a basis for more experiment.
But, later, with new techniques, it may not withstand the current proof. Back to the drawing board. But, various snake oils and cold fusion techniques are proved to not have ever left the drawing board. A valuable failure. To weave woo into this, is to say all thought is equal. It isn't. It's mostly worthless and is fear based.
In science we spend enormous time to carefully dis-prove all known contenders for the idea but ours. It's a jungle and career deadly. Only the strongest most disciplined thinkers can survive. These are not the dilettantes you suggest. They are the stiff jawed warriors of actually correct (for now). And they eat their own young. Depak Chandra has no math, that's the main point! So, how doltish to say that Dr. Throne is in that league. His interviewer perhaps. But, one has to pay more careful attention.
In short, anti-science ranting and insults is just another Religion to me. Science can never make the same mistake twice. Think about that with your postulating antagonism. Can Dr. Kynes do as well?
Blasphemy!!Long live the Gods of the Warp!
Chaos guide me!
Death to the False Emperor of Man!
...so why do you rule out all things unseen? Just because it's an easy swath?parts of the universe as yet unobserved are still existent, and have a quantum state set by their own existence, not flawed human observation.
And there is the difference, Science has never claimed to be Right. The Method is very simple. Prove something. The idea may withstand current proofs if it merits Scientific consideration. That is when it can be used as a basis for more experiment.
But, later, with new techniques, it may not withstand the current proof. Back to the drawing board. But, various snake oils and cold fusion techniques are proved to not have ever left the drawing board. A valuable failure. To weave woo into this, is to say all thought is equal. It isn't. It's mostly worthless and is fear based.
In science we spend enormous time to carefully dis-prove all known contenders for the idea but ours. It's a jungle and career deadly. Only the strongest most disciplined thinkers can survive. These are not the dilettantes you suggest. They are the stiff jawed warriors of actually correct (for now). And they eat their own young. Depak Chandra has no math, that's the main point! So, how doltish to say that Dr. Throne is in that league. His interviewer perhaps. But, one has to pay more careful attention.
In short, anti-science ranting and insults is just another Religion to me. Science can never make the same mistake twice. Think about that with your postulating antagonism. Can Dr. Kynes do as well?
"In short, anti-science ranting and insults is just another Religion to me. Science can never make the same mistake twice. Think about that with your postulating antagonism. Can Dr. Kynes do as well? ""getting all butthurt and shrill over somebody disbelieving the theory you hold most dear sounds more like the plaintive wails of an offended religion rather than science."
You must be looking in the mirror when you write this stuff.
Who is butthurt?
Who is shrill?
Who dis-believes?
Who holds dear?
Who's plaintive wails?
We are trying to help the OP understand their question. We are not answering the question, it has no current answer. Nor are we heaping the BS.
You, on the other hand, sound like you are writing a space opera, comic strip on LSD. You are in the wrong section, brother. Your talents lie elsewhere.
How about putting up some straight talk, Poindexter. That shit is meaningless.
i do not rule out the unseen, i rule it IN....so why do you rule out all things unseen? Just because it's an easy swath?
edit: “Dei sub numine viget"
...oh, sorry, I didn't get that through the poo you threw.i do not rule out the unseen, i rule it IN.
quantum theory declares that anything unseen does not exist until the observer makes it so, placing the observer in the position of deity. thats not preposterous at all is it?
if they want to make up a new religion they should do it the hard way, like moses, mohammed and L Ron Hubbard did.
I threw no poo...oh, sorry, I didn't get that through the poo you threw.
...given the observational conundrum, can we say that it is a 'piece' of God that observes? And, that we are gods by extension, witnessing the created?
...this is the oldest mysticism that I know of. Nothing new about it. The way people manipulate situations to their own advantage is the issue.I threw no poo
this poo i eschew
if poo was threw
perhaps it was you?
nobody can say who
would know what you threw
and this splatter of poo
could have come from you
the claim that sky daddy is within us all thus we are forever creating new reality is the sort of new age mysticism that is even more destructive to logic than your standard Appeal to Authority religions.
the old mysticism was about secrets kept by sky daddy that should not be disturbed, or my magic book that holds all the answers, and if it appears wrong it's only because youre a witch and must be burnt at the stake. this is the Appeal to Authority, and the stock answer to questions is "It Is Best Not To Ask Such Questions" *...this is the oldest mysticism that I know of. Nothing new about it. The way people manipulate situations to their own advantage is the issue.
*installs mini windshield wiper on monocle*
*finds it positively comical*
so my reluctance to join kip Thorne's choir and sing out "Amen!" and "Preach On!" at the appropriate moments in his sermons means im a troll. if you were truely as confident in the illogical perplexing statements of Brother Kip or as he might soon style himself, Reverend Thorne, then my doubting and heresy would not rustle your jimmies.Just Troll. He wants the fight so he assumes fight.
kip thorne is a theorist. his theories are unconvincing to me. this fact seems to drive you to distraction. tough noogies.
Oh is that the straightest he can get. I'm not driven to anything except being convinced of what is going here. rolly roll, rolly rolly potty troll
...dude, solar energy is not egalitarian...low price? If you want to believe that sht, you can. Until you've satisfied conditions within yourself, it doesn't matter how much money you put on 'it' - 'it' ain't "coming".the old mysticism was about secrets kept by sky daddy that should not be disturbed, or my magic book that holds all the answers, and if it appears wrong it's only because youre a witch and must be burnt at the stake. this is the Appeal to Authority, and the stock answer to questions is "It Is Best Not To Ask Such Questions" *
* "It Is Best Not To Ask Such Questions" is a registered trademark of Islam Inc. all use by non moslems is apostasy, and is punishable by death.
the New Age bullshit is more egalitarian. they push the idea that you can be or do anything if you only have the will to make it so, by prana energies, vibrational harmonics, organe energy, or any of a variety of other terribly mysterious mysteries, whose secrets can be bought for the low low price of three easy payments of $19.95 (or blowjobs, or sex with your underage daughter/son, etc...), and if they dont work, you just didnt believe hard enough.
Quantum theorists sell the same bullshit just with more math. They just charge a Low Low Price of two easy payments and one really complex one. and blowjobs. gotta have blowjobs.
who mentioned solar energy? but yes solar energy is by definition egalitarian. it shines on the rich, the poor, the black the white, the smart the dumb and the sober or the drunken all the same. i have no clue what conditions within myself i should satisfy, nor do i pay any religious huckster for salvation, enlightenment, wisdom or mystical powers. the hucksters who profit from new age nonsense and the gullibility of the least intelligent, or most credulous sell everything from crystals, to designs for "orgone cannons" to fire at alien spaceships disguised as clouds (not joking, sadly)...dude, solar energy is not egalitarian...low price? If you want to believe that sht, you can. Until you've satisfied conditions within yourself, it doesn't matter how much money you put on 'it' - 'it' ain't "coming".
...it seems that you're buying the mechanical shell of religious expression (much like a 'believer'), not the expresser 'it'self. Really, do you think it's all positive thinking and fairy dust? No. In synthesis, it is about no longer accepting the 'animal' within from having 90% of the stage.
...do you think that a person who is not at this level of self restraint would be 'granted' knowledge on just how space and time coexist? How so when the order of the day is lodging, fcking and eating?![]()
...thanks for the post / obvious effort. I do agree with a lot of what you've written. But, I can tell you that one thing really stuck out. You mention religions being about control and conditioning, and, you're 100% correct. The base teachings of religions is that man should 'satisfy the inner condition' of translating outward sexual expressions to 'inner' expressions. This, imo, is a path toward being a human vs. an intellectual animal. So yes, religion is about control and conditioning (of man's sexual potency, so may reach a place of peace - "shambhala" or something like that).who mentioned solar energy? but yes solar energy is by definition egalitarian. it shines on the rich, the poor, the black the white, the smart the dumb and the sober or the drunken all the same. i have no clue what conditions within myself i should satisfy, nor do i pay any religious huckster for salvation, enlightenment, wisdom or mystical powers. the hucksters who profit from new age nonsense and the gullibility of the least intelligent, or most credulous sell everything from crystals, to designs for "orgone cannons" to fire at alien spaceships disguised as clouds (not joking, sadly)
all religions are not evil, but all religions are about control and conditioning, for whatever purpose the design permits. some religions require monthly (or even weekly) donations or you will not receive the benefit of salvation. some sell magical prayer hankies, plenary indulgences, or pebbles from the dead sea as mystical totems and gris gris, and some insist (pentecostals) that if you donate to the Creflo A Dollar (his real actual name, as given at birth) or Joel Osteen you will be showered with blessings ten fold ( give more coin, get a bigger payout when the heavenly slot machine comes up cherries). the money i donate of my own choosing to my temple is to maintain the temple and it's library and staff for the musings and study of other persons who seek religious advice form the elders not as a transaction to purchase entrance to the afterlife.
all religion, regardless of it's trappings is always about control. sometimes that control is monetary, sometimes political, often it is sociological or psychological, but it is always control. this control can be good, inspiring art, piety, music, devotion to a cause higher than self gratification, and even less tangible benefits, or it can be evil, demanding the adherent submit unthinking to the dogma of the faith. most religions (particularly christians, militant athieists, mohammedans and some of the wackier non abrahamic cults) demand unfailing loyalty, and evangelical zeal. when you doubt the believer's sacred beliefs they invariably become argumentative, rude, or even violent. thats how you tell a dogmatic religion from an idea. religions have more in common with autocratic government than any "spirituality" (including my own, control is control even if the collar seems to sit lightly)
dogmatic religion forces the adherent to submit to the master's demands, like a dog at heel. thus these religions place man in the position of a beast, subject to the conditioning and motivations of his master. many people find these religions less and less appealing these days, and they cast about for something to believe in. one of the lees savory choices is the New Age bullshit. they sell enlightenment at bargain bin prices, offer false hope to those desperate for anything to cling to, and shamelessly make up the shit as they go along to ensure that the suckers keep buying more useless geegaws and more super secret "auditing" and guided meditation.
the New Age hucksters are usually non-dogmatic, and they do not discriminate. they will fleece any sheep of any colour if they can get him under the shears. the beauty of the New Age is that they never judge. everything is wholesome and good if you want to do it, there are no rules, no morality, no guiding principles save "that it harm none, do as thou wilt" which has been adopted by a wide variety of scammers selling religion for coins.
most of the New Age quasi-religions claim to be introspective, directed towards self improvement through "self actualization" "visualization techniques" "guided meditation" "vibrational harmonics" "the inner light" "prana" mysterious "energies" which defy explanation, and other buzzworthy catch phrases that dont mean shit. (deepak choprah is just the most prolific and widely accepted of these gurus) listen to George Noury on Coast to Coast AM and youll soon see what i mean.
non-dogmatic religions (no matter how outlandish) are often positive in nature and result, despite the seemingly wacky assertions of the adherents.
a fine example is the faulun gong in china, they are mildly eccentric tai chi practicing goofballs who claim that there is a rotating wheel of "Chi" (thats chinese for unquantifiable imaginary energy that does no work, but in fact requires work to create it) and if your Chi Wheel (thats the eponymous Faulun) rotates to the left, you generate "negative energy" in the world, but if you practice tai chi and believe hard enough you can make it turn to the right, and this will create "positive energy" thus they practice their harmless tai chi rituals (thats the Gong) to try and rotate their faulluns in the positive direction for the good of the universe and eventually world peace. harmless, unprofitable dedication to a belief that cant hurt anybody, not even themselves and enriches no shysters. anyone can join, or leave at will, and they hold their ritual slow-motion kung fu danceoffs in public parks all over the world. i have never even heard of anyone being asked for a donation, as the faulun gong have no temples, no clergy and no sacred texts that must be published. anyone who wishes can simply walk up, and begin making the motions. experienced "practitioners" will assist the noobs in getting the moves just right, and then everybody tries to make their energy wheel rotate the right direction together. quaint, charming harmless and only slighty wierd.
and then theres heavens gate, the moonies, the krishnas, the manson familiy scientology, islam, catholicism, socialism(yes kids, its a religion based on adherence to dogma and unswerving loyalty to the faith or you get the gulag or a bullet) and many more.
...holy crap I lol'd right there!Solar, soular, Solera, soldiers of the Son, sun, some sums, numbers ... Leviticus, Dude they're onto me ... energy, entity, Ens a se, so you see, to the Eye these are all aspects, pages bound in one cover. No exaggeration. And the words were with God, and they were God. Word up. cn
Every now and then, a spark enters me and whispers. This was one of my sparkier moments, and I owe it to you. I am glad that my splinter made you beam. cn...holy crap I lol'd right there!